Great News for Sinners

"The LORD is in His holy temple: Let all the earth keep silence before Him."Habakkuk 2:20 [KJV]

What God's people of old were favored with in type and figure, we now enjoy in reality and substance. The temple of old was an eminent type of the body of Jesus. In it Jehovah made His presence known. Here troubled consciences sought relief. The mercy-seat was set up for poor sinners to approach to. Here Jehovah was consulted. From hence He spoke in grace and love to His people, and silenced every guilty fear. Thus God was in His holy temple: thus God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. Was this ministration glorious in the eyes of spiritual worshippers? How doth ours exceed in glory! The fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily in Jesus. This is the temple in which God delights to dwell. Hence grace is dispensed, peace communicated, mercy bestowed, life and salvation freely given.

Here, Christian, believe and adore; behold and wonder; look and admire; admire and love! Jesus is the Lord thy God, worship thou Him—Hear the gracious words that are spoken from this living temple. KEEP SILENCE, at the last and most joyful words Jesus spoke, IT IS FINISHED: My Father's work is done, My dear member's salvation is completed. Hear this with joy, meditate on it with love, let the voice of pride and self-righteousness be exalted no more, hear the voice of Jesus only. So shall words of legal terror and wrath be silenced: conscience shall be at peace: the murmuring cry, and the lustful desires of the flesh shall cease. Thus attend the voice of Jesus. Silence every carnal cavil: every lofty word and proud imagination, which exalt themselves against Him.

Doth the Lord thus speak in and from His temple to His children? Yea more, He dwells in them. Each sanctified member of Jesus is also called His holy temple.—1 Corinthians 3:17. What exalted honor are believers called to! "Your bodies are the temples of the Holy Ghost!"chap. 6:19. Most powerful motive to holiness! Be attentive to the voice of Jesus within. The temple of thy heart is the throne of His residence. Here He speaketh comfort to the troubled conscience: like as Jesus spoke to the tempestuous sea, "PEACE, be still." And as He called to His affrighted disciples, "It is I, be not afraid:" so to the listening soul, who saith, "I will watch to hear what He will say"—to every waiting heart at His feet, Jesus will speak silence to the clamors of the law, the commotions of sin, and the accusations of Satan.

Send comforts down from Thy right hand, 

While we pass thro' this barren land. 

And in Thy temple let us see 

A glimpse of love, a glimpse of Thee.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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