Great Encouragement in our LORD JESUS Christ - 24JUN23 A.D.

"In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul."Psalm 94:19 [KJV]

Vain thoughts and carnal reasonings, like impertinent visitors, often intrude upon the Christian's mind. In this depraved state it cannot be otherwise. Though born again of the Spirit, and our minds renewed by grace; still our old friends, our present foes, the world, the flesh, and the devil, will furnish us with various exercises, from troublesome thoughts. That they do cause grief, are prayed against, and resisted, is a blessed evidence of a regenerate soul; which is also fed, delighted, and comforted with the spiritual truths, of God's gracious word.

There are frequent seasons when God's dear children are exercised with distressing, gloomy thoughts. Afflictions are painful and grievous to the flesh; then how naturally do these murmuring and repining thoughts arise? "Are these the tokens of God's love? how can I who am thus visited with such sorrow, pain, and trouble, think the Lord loves me with the love of a tender father, or that I am His child?" The sight of our vile polluted nature, corrupt lusts, sinful passions and affections, sink and discourage our spirits. A multitude of thoughts arise within; how can I have faith in Jesus, love to Him, and delight in His ways, while I find so much in me contrary to His will, and unconformed to His image? If the Lord hides away His face, and withdraws the comforting sense of His presence, then these dejecting thoughts beset us: God is acting in wrath against us—His mercy is clean gone for ever. And with the church we are apt to think, "The LORD hath forsaken me: my LORD hath forgotten me."Isaiah 49:14. This is all very natural. But what says the voice of grace? Most cheering, most delighting to the harassed mind. "Many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord delivers out of them all" and "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten."Revelation 3:19. "Can a woman forget a sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, she may forget; but I will not forget thee."Isaiah 49:15. "This man (Jesus) receiveth sinners."—Luke 15:2. "His blood cleanseth from all sin."1 John 1:7.

God's immutable love, unchangeable covenant, eternal truth, sacred word, precious promises, and solemn oath, all stand engaged for the safety and salvation of souls redeemed by Jesus: Who saith, "He that believeth on Me shall NEVER perish."John 3:15. Shall any or all the powers of earth and hell make Jesus, the God of truth, a liar? The bible is the Christian's charter. It is our wisdom to study that, and to judge of God's love from His word and promises, not by our circumstances, trials, frames and feelings: For,

Whate'er thou found'st him at the best, 

He's at the worst the same. 

Christ rests forever in his love, 

He never lost his fame.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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