"The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."I Peter 3:4 [KJV]

Godly parents are delighted at their very hearts, if they see their dear children partakers of the grace of God. How joyful to hear those, who are part of one's self, enquire after Jesus and His salvation! Love and duty unite to constrain us to teach our little ones the knowledge of Jesus; to instruct them in the ways of the Lord. And if the spirit of grace is pleased to crown such endeavours with success, infinitely more precious is the adorning of grace to their immortal souls, than all the gaiety of dress to their perishing bodies.

As we to ours, so doth the Lord rejoice over all His dear children in Christ Jesus. He takes pleasure in their dress, which is the robe of His Son's righteousness. Their ornaments, which are the graces of His Spirit, are delighting to His eyes. "He makes them all-glorious within:" He loves His own image, which He hath formed by His Spirit, "in the hidden man of the heart." Both the inward graces and the outward fruits are an ornament to them; and are "of great price in the sight of their heavenly Father." By daily fellowship with our God and Saviour, we get more and more "conformed to His likeness." By close walking, constant communing, free conversing with Jesus, love is maintained in the heart: and a meek and quiet spirit ever accompanies love. Where the former is wanting, the declinings of the latter are evident. As faith works by love, so love shews itself by meekness of spirit and quietness of behaviour. There is a sweet harmony in the graces of the Spirit. By faith the soul abides in Jesus, and receiveth out his fulness. By love the heart is comfortable. And as Peter and John said to the beggar, "What we have received of the Lord, that we give unto you." So the Christian dispenses out of his heart, love to his brethren, and is peaceable and quiet to all mankind. Love controls the boisterous passions of nature. Love constrains to meekness of temper and quietness of spirit. We sadly mistake, and are greatly deceived by our corrupt nature, carnal reason, and the subtlety of Satan, when we act with any other spirit, and attempt to find an excuse for it. Nay, but it is unbecoming our character, a disgrace to our profession, a dishonor to our Saviour; it grieves the Spirit; is a badge of Satan's livery; a fruit of the flesh, and is contrary to the Spirit. The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God, peace of men, nor the comfort of the soul. "Put on as the elect of God, meekness."Colossians 3:12.

Bless'd are the meek, who stand afar 

From rage and passion, noise and war; 

God will secure their souls

Bless'd are the men of peaceful life, 

Who quench the coals of growing strife, 

They shall he call'd the heirs of bliss, 

The sons of God, the God of peace.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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