"Which is not another (-gospel), but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ."Galatians 1:7 [KJV]

Trouble us indeed! it is our wisdom to hear preaching with an attentive mind, a humble heart, and a godly jealousy over what is spoken. The sweet sound of the gospel is joy to the heart, and as marrow and fatness to the soul; for it proclaims nothing but good news or glad tidings. This is its name: its nature and properties perfectly agree therewith. Hence it is called,—Acts 20:24, The gospel of the grace of God; or good news of His free favor. And Ephesians 1:13, "The gospel of salvation; or glad tidings of salvation by Christ only." It was the wisdom of Adam to distinguish and give a proper name to every creature of God. Every Christian should imitate him in knowledge, to distinguish the law from the gospel, and to call each by its proper name. For when the law of works and gospel of grace are blended together, it puzzles the mind and disturbs the conscience. We may say of the gospel, as Tertullus said of Caesar: "By thee we enjoy great quietness."—Acts 24:2. For by it the mind and conscience of the believer is filled with peace and comfort. From hence springs his love to God, and holy conformity to His will.

But preaching terms and conditions to be performed by us, in order to entitle to gospel grace, hath a native tendency to distress the mind, weaken faith, damp love, deject hope, and of consequence make the believer less zealous of good works. Yet, through blindness and ignorance, some call this gospel; but Paul denies it: he says, "It is not another," he won't mention gospel. It deserves not the name; it is a mere system of man's devising. O but if there is great talk of the interest of morality, and a specious pretence to holiness, this makes a great shew in the flesh, so as to trouble some, and deceive many. But such "pervert the gospel of Christ; the everlasting gospel." For that proclaims eternal election, everlasting love, an established covenant of grace; brings everlasting consolations to the soul, by an everlasting righteousness through faith: and sure and certain salvation to every believer. THE GOSPEL, like some stately ship, is richly laden with the most munificent blessings of the patrimony of our Father; the last will and testament of our precious Saviour, freely consigned under the testimony of the Spirit, to us poor, lost, perishing sinners. O believer! study the immense value and riches of the gospel: be on thy guard, lest any deprive thy mind of its freeness and fulness. Gospel-perverters are conscience-troublers. Listen not to their specious guiles, lest thy mind be perplexed. Glory to our God, here is our mercy; though false teachers shall arise, though they may trouble, yet "it is impossible, saith our Saviour, that they should deceive the elect of God."—see Matthew 24:24.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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