Behold the Perfect Peace Established between Heaven & Earth

"And the counsel of peace shall be between them both."Zechariah 6:13 [KJV]

With what rapture and ecstasy of soul the good old patriarch Israel heard of his son Joseph? Not only alive, but also governor of the land of Egypt. "IT IS ENOUGH," said he. As though he could enjoy no more. How then ought the hearts of poor sinners to be filled with joy, and fired with transport to hear that their Friend and Brother, Jesus, lives for evermore; that "the government is upon His shoulders:" that He is their King and their Priest upon His throne: that the counsel of peace is established, fixed and unalterably established, between the Father and Him on their account! 

Surely if we believe this, as verily as Jacob believed the report concerning his son, we shall also cry out with him, IT IS ENOUGH, perfectly sufficient. More joyful news cannot be heard. More comfortable truth cannot be believed. Fuller evidence cannot be desired. Stronger proofs cannot be given than is revealed of the covenant-transactions of the adorable Trinity, in behalf of sinners of mankind.

Here is the LORD OF HOSTS, and the MAN, the blessed Man, who is called The BRANCH. And see we not the third person in the divine essence? For the establishing of faith, be it ever remembered, though the Father and the Son only are often mentioned in scripture; yet the Lord the Spirit in His office is evidently to be seen and clearly to be known. For whatever is covenanted and agreed between God the Father and Son, is manifested and revealed and enjoyed in the heart by the Holy Spirit. We had never heard of this blessed peace, had it not been by the Holy Ghost through the word of truth. Therefore it is "the Spirit that bears witness, because the Spirit is truth."1 John 5:6

Ever bear this in thy mind, disciple. As thou hadst not known sin, but by the LAW: so thou couldst not have any knowledge of peace and pardon, but by the gospel through the Spirit. He is the Revealer, Sealer and Applier of all grace, peace, love and holiness. "The love of the Father is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost given unto us." "He shall testify of Me," saith Jesus: all My members shall be taught of Him: "He shall glorify Me."John 16:14. Here is a peace established between heaven and earth: between the righteous Lord and sinful man, firm as a rock, durable as the ages of eternity.

God the Father is the Author of this peace. Jesus hath obtained this peace by the blood of His cross. Rebels and traitors against God, are made the subjects of this peace. The Spirit begets faith in the heart. He applies the peace of God which passeth all understanding to the soul through the faith of Jesus. And though all in nature, sin, Satan, and the world are at war with us; still this is our glory, "Jesus is our peace."Ephesians 2:14.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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