Ask, is Christ's Blessed Command

"Lord, behold, he whom Thou lovest is sick."John 11:3 [KJV]

To have Jesus continually live in our thoughts, should be our daily study. To keep a sweet intercourse open, between Christ and the soul, should be our constant exercise. To be watchful against every bold intruder, that would interrupt our communion with the Saviour, is our greatest wisdom. Thus, through the Spirit's aid, a holy freedom and humble familiarity is maintained with Christ, and our hearts. Why should we not be aiming thus to anticipate heaven? For, Jesus never intermits in His love to us, care over us, and presence with us. Through such a happy conduct, we shall enjoy an abiding sense of this. Then, when sin assaults, Satan attacks, temptations beset, afflictions surround, sickness overtakes, sorrow bows down, death threatens, or whatever may be our state, how comforting when the twin sisters of faith and hope, like the two sisters of Lazarus, carry our case to the Master, with "Lord, behold, he whom Thou lovest is sick?" Short, but very expressive. Not like the nobleman's importunate prayer, "Sir, come down, ere my son die;" but a simple message. They knew the love and power of Jesus. They doubted not His speed. It is enough to lay our case before the Lord. It is best entirely to submit to His will, and patiently wait His time. "He that believeth shall not make haste."Isaiah 28:16.

Is there a poor sinner on earth, who believes in Jesus, that can doubt of His love? Hath He not given the strongest assurances of it? Infinitely stronger, than if He had sent an angel, to testify of His love to us. For He came Himself; He more than told us how He loved us; His sorrows, His sufferings, His agonies and death, most loudly proclaim it; for our sins He bled, for our sins He suffered; yea for that most base sin, that sin of all sins, the greatest of sins, unbelief. This, even this, Jesus bore Himself, in His own body on the tree. Even this He died to atone for, as well as all others. Art thou often sick, and fearest this master-sin will prove the death of thy soul, as it does now the life of thy comforts? Is this the grief of thine heart, and the cause of thy woe? Jesus is the alone Physician, He only can cure it. "For He is not only the Author, but Finisher of our faith."Hebrews 12:2. Though, like the sisters of Lazarus, we cannot plead our strong love to Jesus, yet in the belief of His word, we may ever plead His strong love to us. "Lord, behold, he whom Thou lovest is sick." Heal Thy servant. "Lord, I believe, help Thou my unbelief." Ask, is Christ's blessed command. It shall be given, is His precious promise.—Luke 11:9.

How many are Thy thoughts of love? 

Thy mercies, Lord, how great! 

We have not hours, nor words enough, 

Their numbers to repeat.

When I'm afflicted, poor and low, 

And light and peace depart, 

My Jesus sees my heavy woe, 

And bears me on His heart.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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