The Very Essence of Vital Godliness

"My son, give Me thine heart."Proverbs 23:26 [KJV]

Many are the competitors for the heart of man. Though our dear Father and best Friend, lovingly calls for the free-will offering of this precious jewel, yet we are foolishly inclined to give it to our worst enemies. This pleasing world, with all its gay scenes of happiness and joy, attracts our affections, enchants our minds, and bewitches our senses; so that we love it dearly, devote our hearts to it cheerfully, and dread the very thoughts of leaving it greatly.

"Thou shalt have no other gods but Me," saith Jehovah. We own the duty, and decry the wickedness of worshipping an idol; though all the while we are serving the god of this world: he blinds our eyes, and we see it not. The grace of God, though sovereign in its operations, yet acts not by force and compulsion as upon mere machines, destroying the will, and dragging men to heaven by the hair of the head, as some in contempt please to assert. No; the service of our Lord is perfect freedom. He loves a cheerful giver. Glory to His grace, "He opens the eyes of our understanding, to know what is the hope of His calling, and what are the riches of His glory"Ephesians 1:18. Then we see Jesus as our Portion, and Treasure, then we willingly and cheerfully devote our hearts to Him. Is the miser's gold his god? does it captivate his heart and affections? why so? Because he sees that in it which suits his disposition, and excites his pleasure. So it is of every other idol suited to nature and sense. "Where the treasure is, there will the heart be also." Spiritual affections can only be happy from spiritual objects. The heart can only be happy in God, cheerfully given up to Him in faith and love. This is the very essence of vital godliness.

Our Everlasting Father invites us to spiritual joys. 'I know, My children, in your present state, clothed with flesh, you have many lovers which would rival Me in your affections, but cheerfully devote your heart to Me. Let your eyes be upon My ways. Consider My love to you. I gave My beloved Son to die for you. My Spirit hath called you to enjoy My love. It is My good pleasure to give you a kingdom: therefore, in love to My glory, and for your comfort, I demand your heart as a free-will offering.' O where is the faithful, grateful soul, but in ecstasy of love will cry out, Give, Lord, the power to do what Thou commandest, and command what Thou wilt?

My heart dost Thou demand, my Lord 

A willing sacrifice to Thee! 

O take and keep it ev'ry hour 

From every bold usurper free.

When Satan tempts and sins allure, 

From Thee, to draw away my heart; 

Strong in Thy grace, make me endure, 

And never from Thyself depart.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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