The MIGHTY GOD ~ our Sun & Shield

"The LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." —Psalm 84:11 [KJV]

Vulgar minds have but very contracted ideas of the magnitude of that glorious luminary, the sun. The most knowing of the children of men, form but very inadequate notions of the nature and properties of that grand source of light and heat. We daily see his power and feel his influence. This he incessantly sheds upon the whole creation FREELY. How vain and arrogant would he be deemed, who should pretend he could procure the cheering light and comforting warmth of the sun! Dwells there, in the breast of man, a thought, that he can procure the light of grace; or by his doings entitle himself to the comforts of salvation from Jehovah? Yes: so vain, so arrogant is that vile worm, that weak creature, proud, fallen man. By sin how stript of all but shame! by pride, he "opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God." II  Thessalonians 2:4. But grace, like the streaming light of the sun, freely and powerfully sheds its benign, humbling, comforting influence upon the ungodly and unworthy. So the Lord enlightens and renews the soul of man; makes it fruitful to His glory; and with His almighty arm shields and defends the newborn, heavenly replenished soul, from the violent attacks of every foe. Grace as well as glory are God's free gifts.

Children of God, members of Jesus, how safe! salvation, how secure! For it is all of rich grace, free favor, unmerited love, unconditional election; not earned by any doings of ours, but freely given by promise. Glory, not procured by conditions, but freely bestowed through Jesus. See thy portion, believer— read it with joy—dwell on it with triumph. Here is a redundancy of promises; what the Lord is—what the Lord will give, will give it freely, "without money and without price," all things, every thing for His own glory, and His children's good. Love overflows all bounds; gives the fullest vent to its gracious disposition. No good thing will the Lord withhold. From whom? See the character of those, upon whom the SUN OF GRACE hath shined. Is it thine? They are not in angelic purity, or sinless perfection; but upright, sincere in heart with Jesus, chaste virgins, married to Him in faith and love, they see that He is all in all to them "their wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption." They choose Him for their only KING to reign in them and rule over them in love; delight in HIS WORK AND WAY, grieve for, strive and pray against all that is contrary to Him. Of their sins they are ashamed—in their own righteousness they have no confidence. In Jesus their Bridegroom they glory. It is truly said of them, "The upright love Thee."—Canticles (AKA, Songs of Solomon) 1:4.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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