The LORD knoweth them that are His

"The liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things he shall stand (or be established)." Isaiah 32:8 [KJV]

We all naturally act from selfish principles, and with mercenary views, because we are under the legal covenant, "Do this and live." Hence saith one, 'If doing righteousness and performing good works will not justify and save me, as good sit still and do nothing, no matter how wicked I am.' Saith another, 'To be sure, we are justified by faith only, but then I must fulfil the terms and conditions of the gospel, for my holiness and obedience secures my salvation.' Such poor creatures reason carnally; their principles are only selfish, their views are mercenary. God is not served at all, but pride and self are at the bottom of all they do; to establish a righteousness of their own is their chief aim. The glory of God is not sought; His grace is overlooked; Jesus is depreciated in His work and office, as though all His toils and sufferings, holy life and bitter death, had only procured salvation upon a better bargain and easier terms for us. Such principles are servile, base, and dishonorable to a God of grace and love. Vain the talk of such about working for God; they do nothing for God, but want to earn something from God for themselves: take away the idol SELF from them, and then all working is at an end with them.

But the liberal soul acts from gracious principles, and deviseth liberal things. He sees salvation is all of free grace and free gift by Jesus. He is our all: He hath done all, suffered all, obeyed in all things, prevails for all things, and makes all effectual to the soul's perfect, complete, and final salvation. 'The Saviour is in mine eye; He is in mine heart; He is my Alpha and Omega, my first hope and last stay. My views are to His glory. O when I deserved nothing but hell, love, electing, everlasting love looked on me with pity, and was manifested to me through Jesus by the word and Spirit: therefore it is I long, I love, I delight daily to glorify the ever-gracious and ever-loving Triune God. I cheerfully devote my all to Him Who hath done all for me, Who hath loved me and given Himself for me. My life of faith, of hope, of love, of holiness, centers in Jesus, and is from Him. If I have but a cup of cold water to give, I give it in my dear Lord's name, in love and gratitude to Him.' Such are the generous sentiments of the liberal soul; and, saith wisdom, "By liberal things he shall stand." Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made him free. He shall be established on the firm foundation of eternal truth, against the power and subtlety of Satan, and all the human systems and precarious schemes of man's devising. "The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His; and let every one that nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity."II Timothy 2:19.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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