The Firm Immutable Foundation of the GOD OF TRUTH

"And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the scriptures?"Luke 24:32 [KJV]

When the fire of divine love burns in the heart, disciples cannot refrain speaking of it to each other. But how transient are the frames of God's dearest children! Too apt are the strongest believers to live upon sense and feeling, instead of faith and promises. The former may, and often doth fail in enjoyment, but the latter is founded upon the firm immutable foundation of the God of truth, therefore is sure and infallible.

These disciples were just before in dejection and despondency. The time was come for resurrection-comfort, but their Lord not appearing as they expected, they were sad. Jesus was with them, but they knew Him not. He upbraids; "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all the prophets have spoken!" Then He expounds the scriptures concerning Himself. Presently the fire kindles in their hearts. But it seems that it was soon past: yea, gone before they spoke of it. "Did not our hearts burn?" how sweet WAS it! what ravishing moments WERE those! Doubtless they could have wished them to have continued always. So they should if the master saw good. If Jesus knew it was best, every disciple should enjoy hearts ever warm, ever glowing with the heavenly flame of divine love. It verily is sweet to sense. Those who have been "baptized with the Holy Ghost, and fire" of divine love, will speak of it to the glory of Jesus, and long for more lasting enjoyment of it. This best wine is reserved for the last. Disciple, soon shalt thou drink thy fill, without danger of being intoxicated. But thou must wait the promise, as these disciples did. Thou must go to the same place where they now are, before thy thirsty soul is perfectly satisfied. May it be our present concern, that we give Jesus no cause to upbraid us for folly and unbelief, in not abiding by the prophets, promises, and His testimony! We are to live upon the truth of the word, and not upon fire and feeling within. But yet, disciples should ever be on their guard against such who deny the experienced comforts and joys of the Holy Ghost. Be not put off with dry notions, which are like the pale light of the waning moon; but administer not the animating warmth of the meridian sun. For, saith Jesus, "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." John 6:63.

"If sweet be our frame, 

We thank His dear name: 

If bitter we pray, 

And Jesus so loves us, 

He takes it away.

Or if it remain, 

And we are in pain. 

We cheerfully bear, 

And bless our kind Saviour 

Who suffers it there."

-William Mason


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