Sanctify them through Thy Truth

"My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken Thou me according to Thy word." —Psalm 119:25 [KJV]

One would dread that state most of all others, which St. Paul describes, "being past feeling."Ephesians 4:19. True, there is this alleviation, such are insensible of their deplorable condition. But if the great trumpet of the gospel awakes not the soul in this life to spiritual sense and feeling, verily the loud archangel's trumpet will awaken it to hear its awful sentence and feel its dreadful doom in the last day. O what a miracle of grace to be quickened, to know one's misery, to feel one's wants, to believe the remedy, and cry for relief! This blessed work is not of the will of the flesh. No man can quicken his own soul; it is the sovereign work of almighty power; it is equally ascribed to the loving Father, the redeeming Son, and the sanctifying Spirit—John 5:21 and 6:63—therefore gracious souls give all the glory to the ever-blessed Trinity. Free-will is the child of pride, it dwells in the heads of almost Christians, and is only boasted of by the enemies of truth.

"I am come, that My children might have life," saith Jesus. He quickeneth the dead in trespasses and sins; and then they cry to Him to have life more abundantly. Here is the wisdom of heaven-born souls; they deny themselves of the vain pleasures, carnal delights, and sensual gratifications of this world. They know these things oppose the life, interrupt the peace, and damp the joy of their souls. Their only happiness centers in Jesus—in life and love communicated from Him; therefore they study to avoid such things as are contrary to His mind and will: and as they too often find a cleaving to dust, to the sensible, earthly, vain enjoyments of this world, this alarms them—it is a burden and grief to them: they pour out their complaints to their beloved Jesus, with, 'Master, let it not be thus; quicken my drooping spirit, enliven my declining heart, cheer my languishing soul, according to the word of Thy grace, the truth of Thy promises.' Here is the blessed confidence of faith. His word is our plea; by that we have assurance of being heard and answered. The precepts of His word teach us His will; and we cannot feel a want but God's word promises to supply; therefore that is the warrant of faith, a light to direct our feet; and so also it is our best directory for prayer. So Christ prays for all His, "Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy word is truth."John 17:17.

My soul at times cleaves to the dust; 

Lord, give me life divine; 

From vain desires and ev'ry lust 

Turn off these eyes of mine.

O keep them ever fix'd on Thee, 

My Lord, my life, my love: 

Low vanities may I despise, 

And seek those things above.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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