"But to do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."Hebrews 13:16 [KJV]

Through the artful wiles of Satan, the corrupt reasonings of deceitful nature, and the doctrines of false teachers, disciples are in danger of errors on the right hand and on the left. Because good works do not merit God's favor, and entitle us to His acceptance, therefore, say some, 'We cannot do any thing that is good and well-pleasing in the sight of God.' So if Satan cannot blind us by false hopes and legal confidences, he strives to poison our minds with detestable, licentious notions, dishonorable to Jesus, contrary to faith, subversive of love, and destructive of the holiness and peace of the gospel. But it cannot be so when Jesus is beheld and rejoiced in as our sacrifice and atonement for sin, as our Beloved, in Whom our persons are accepted. "By Him we are made priests unto God." He is our altar, on which our sacrifices are offered, and which consecrates our gifts. Are we exhorted to do good, and to please our gracious God and loving Father? Faith excites most powerfully; love binds with strongest cords; and hope animates with the most prevailing pleas to this. "Christ our passover is sacrificed for us." Such was His love. In gratitude for such love, to sacrifice our all to Him is ever our bounden duty.

Shame to us that we should be prone to forget this. Exhortations remind us that we are apt to this; and of what our Lord expects from us. God hath not forgotten to be gracious to us. Jesus never intermits in His suit for us. Shall we forget our duty, and neglect at any time to do good on earth? Not study daily to please Him Who is our portion, our all in time and eternity? Doth the glorious Jehovah condescend to assure us, I am well pleased with your beneficence, your communicative goodness to My creatures, and your brethren for My sake? and shall we ever be unmindful of, and indifferent about this matter? Forbid it, Lord! animate us with more of the fire of love! To live without prayer and praise, argues insensibility and ingratitude; not to study to glorify God in our actions, shews the want of love; and where the spirit of prayer, praise, love and obedience is wanting, where, alas, is our evidence that we are the children of the gracious God, members of a compassionate Saviour, and influenced by the Spirit of love!

Thron'd on a cloud our Judge shall come, 

Bright flames prepare His way, 

Thunder and darkness, fire and storm, 

Lead on the dreadful day.

Now gather all My saints (He cries) 

That are at peace with God, 

By the Redeemer's sacrifice, 

Who seal'd it with His blood.

Their faith and works brought forth to light, 

Shall make the world confess, 

My sentence of reward is right, 

And heav'n adores My grace.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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