God Giveth the Increase

"Doth the ploughman plow all day to sow? doth he open and break the clods of his ground?"Isaiah 28:24 [KJV]

"The LORD of hosts hath decreed to stain the pride of all glory, and to bring into contempt all the honorable of the earth."Isaiah 23:9. Therefore His word sends us to the common transactions in life, that we may gather instruction in humility, and be taught to bow to His sovereignty. Every dispute against the latter is a strong evidence of the want of the former. When the mouth is not stopped, but daringly opened against sovereign purposes and eternal decrees, it is an awful sign that the plough of God's law hath not cut deep into such sinners' hearts; for, instead of pleading guilty and being speechless, the pride of nature urges vain pleas against free-grace truth, everlasting love, the finished salvation of Jesus, and the certain glory of all His chosen members.

But verily, as the ploughman plows at a proper season, and sows his seed at the appointed time, and as harvest shall not fail, so the church of Christ is "God's husbandry."I Corinthians 3:9. By the ministry of the word the Lord plows up the uncultivated ground of unfruitful hearts, He opens and breaks the clods of pride and lust, He casts in the seed of eternal life in the knowledge of Jesus, then the graces of faith, hope, love, and holiness, take root downward and spring forth upward.

But alas! the seed is exposed to many dangers; weeds may grow up and choke it; if refreshing showers, the warm sun, or the purifying air is withheld, it will rot, and bring forth no fruit unto perfection. The poor heart is not without its fears, yea is at its wit's end at times, lest so it should be. And what can he do? He cannot command the clouds, call forth the sun, or cause the wind to blow. Boasting in self is at an end; trusting to inherent grace is cut off; hence the soul is led in humility to see that all things are of God; that if ever he reaps the harvest of eternal life, it is wholly and solely owing to God's free gift by Jesus; that all present fruitfulness is by the Spirit's energy and influence, in consequence of the Father's love and faithfulness, and the Son's perfect work and salvation; therefore look not so much within, nor around thee, as above to Jesus. Doubting disciple, from this inexhaustible fountain, hope and encouragement flow. Though all within seems gloomy and distressing, all without opposing and discouraging, yet our God is over all and above all. Ever remember there is as great a necessity for the heart to be deeply rooted in humility downward, as for the pleasing fruits of peace and joy to spring upward. Our heavenly Husband knows which is best for us. As the ploughman minds his work, and does his duty; so do thou. Be diligent in thy work; be humble in thy heart, knowing "God giveth the increase."I Corinthians 3:7

-William Mason


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