"But He giveth more grace." —James 4:6 [KJV]

It is a sure mark that the true grace of God, by Jesus Christ, is conceived in the heart, when the cry of the soul is for more grace. Thus there is a harmony between the Father's promises and the children's wants. God giveth more grace: I daily need more, saith the sensible soul. "He that drinketh of the water of life, saith Jesus, shall never thirst again:" he shall never thirst after any other fountain; he shall seek to no other spring but ME. There is no grace, favor or good will from God to sinners, but what is by Jesus, through Him, in Him, and communicated from Him. Here is the believer's mercy; he has not a stock of grace stored up in his own heart to live upon, which may be expended, and he is at last lost for want of more. No. But all the kindness and love of God towards him is treasured up in Jesus. Here is the humility of believers; they come, like Joseph's brethren, to Jesus, Who is their elder Brother, for every supply; out of His fulness they receive grace upon grace. Jesus is an inexhaustible storehouse, therefore His members cannot want. God the Father gave them grace at first in Christ Jesus; Hhe called them by His sovereign [FREE] grace; He justified them fully by grace; He saves them daily by grace; He sanctifies them freely by grace; He comforts them continually by His grace; and He will glorify them according to the exceeding riches of His grace. Thus all is of grace, freely given to, and richly bestowed upon poor, vile, undeserving sinners.

I know there are these reasonings in every humbled sinner's heart, 'What suitable return do I make? or what reward shall I give unto the Lord for all His blessings of grace? O what a poor, unloving, ungrateful wretch am I! how do I requite the LORD my God!' Such is the genuine language of gracious heart. The aboundings of grace make sinners humble, self hateful, and sin abominable: "Not rather as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say, Let us do evil that good may come, whose damnation is just."Romans 3:8. If God giveth "more grace," then not one of His children that ever had a single spark of the grace of Jesus, shall ever go to hell for want of grace. It is equally as impossible, that a gracious soul should fall from God's love and grace, turn hater of Him; and so be a prey to the devil, as it was for Lazarus to quit Abraham's bosom, for the flames of hell. The holy fire of grace being once kindled in the soul, never goes out. The fire of the altar was an emblem of this. It is as true in this respect of gracious souls, as it is of the wicked in another, "their fire never goes out." Why not? because "grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life."Romans 5:21.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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