"In the LORD have I righteousness and strength."Isaiah 45:24 [KJV]

To trust in our own righteousness, and to glory in our own strength, is natural to us all. But when a poor sinner "knows himself, even as he is known of the Lord," he thinks otherwise. When he becomes a follower of the Lamb, he learns the language of Canaan, and says, "I have no confidence in the flesh." I subscribe with my whole heart to this confession of faith, "In the LORD have I righteousness and strength." That the Lord Jehovah is a God of righteousness, and that He is almighty in strength, who will dare deny? But by faith we speak the most comfortable knowledge of covenant grace: I, a poor sinner, who am without strength, destitute of righteousness in myself, have both strength and righteousness in Jehovah. What I am, a sinner by nature and practice, that Jesus became by imputation. What Jesus is in His nature, and by His life, perfectly RIGHTEOUS, that I am in Him. In myself I have no might, no strength, but "in the Lord Jesus am I strong, strong in Him, and in the power of His might."

This is the glorious grace, the joyful truth of the everlasting covenant. Such honor have all the saints of Jesus: His perfect righteousness their clothing; His almighty strength their protection. Who then shall condemn them? What power can prevail against them? O believer! rejoice in thy privilege. This is thy triumph against every accusation, "In Jesus I have righteousness." This is my victory over every enemy, "In Jesus I have strength." Under the most discouraging views of my nature, as corrupt and sinful—my life and practice, as unrighteous—the condemnings of the law, though just—the accusations of Satan, though grievous—yet in my glorious covenant Head and Representative, I am "made the righteousness of God; in the beloved Son of God I am for ever accepted." Under the most dejecting sense of our own weakness, to withstand corruptions, to get the mastery over sinful passions, to prevail against our enemies; though weak to perform any duty, insufficient to exercise any grace, unable to do the will of God, to walk in His ways, and to please Him; yet ever, under all circumstances, the Spirit testifies of Jesus, "Who is our strength and righteousness." All fulness is in Jesus; and "out of His fulness we receive grace for grace:" Though "without Christ we can do nothing; yet, through Christ strengthening us, we can do all things." Here is the mystery of faith. "Abide in Me," saith the Lamb.

Poor helpless worms in Thee possess 

Grace, wisdom, pow'r, and righteousness; 

Thou art our mighty ALL, and we Glory, 

O Lord, only IN THEE.

Let faith and love always combine, 

To cause this precious truth to shine, 

We sinners poor, and full of need, 

Have all things, in our glorious HEAD.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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