"...believe also in Me." -Christ JESUS the LORD our Righteousness

"Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me."John 14:1 [KJV]

Jesus comforted the heart of a sorrowful widow by restoring her dead son to life again. Could He not also, by the power of His Spirit, consolate the hearts of His dear disciples, without preaching outward rules and directions to them? Plainly He will be heard as our Prophet. Those disciples only, who obey the word of His doctrine, shall enjoy the consolations of His love. So it seemeth good to our Lord to teach; so it is necessary for us to believe. Troubles are the common lot of God's dearest children: "Many are the afflictions of the righteous."Psalm 34:19. They feel and groan under heart troubles, which strangers know not of; inward disquietudes, which carnal men are utterly free from, are oft amazed to hear of; and are ready to hug themselves, and thank God they are not troubled about.

Ah, this inward insensibility is a bad sign! But disciples' troubles are Jesus' concerns. He has a remedy against them: He will give comfort under them. Believing in an absolute God will not do this. Nay, the glory of His majesty, the greatness of His power, the perfection of His justice, etc. appear in dread array against us. We dare not think of God out of Christ, knowing ourselves to be poor sinners. Therefore, says Jesus, "Believe also in Me." Believe My humanity: that I became MAN for your sakes, died for your salvation, and am risen again in your nature to pray for you. Remember the covenant that is established between the Father and Me on your account. When thoughts arise in your mind, and your poor hearts are troubled with finding you are still but "unprofitable servants," you see much cause for sorrow, mourn and complain that there are many things amiss in you; that you do not believe so perfectly, love so comfortably, obey so cheerfully as you wish; yet ever remember, I am your Mediator before the throne; you stand not in the Father's love for your works' sake; but the Father is ever well pleased with Me. He loves you, and is well pleased with you for My sake. Do not distress your poor hearts. Sorrow not as without hope; but believe in Me and be comforted. You have no sin, but My blood dearly atoned for; you want no perfection, but what My righteousness supplies; you stand in need of no holiness and conformity to Me, but what the blessed Spirit bestows. Thus believe on Me as your living Head, thus daily look on yourselves as My dear members, thus live on Me and honor Me as your Lord, and glorify Me as your only Saviour. This is to obey Christ's command. Thus is the troubled heart comforted. This is our sweetest privilege. We should be concerned to make this our daily employ on earth. Shortly all our troubles and sorrows shall end, for "we shall meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we be ever with the Lord: wherefore comfort one another with these words."I Thessalonians 4:17, 18.

William Mason


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