We Have The Firmest Foundation ~ HALLELUJAH

"Remember the word unto Thy servant, upon which Thou hast caused me to hope."Psalm 119:49 [KJV]

It is not natural to us to hope in God's word. This the power of God causeth us to do. Where there is true knowledge of Jesus, the essential word, there will be a real esteem for the scriptures, the written word of Jehovah. The Spirit that dwelt in Jesus dictated the truths concerning Him; and the same Spirit testifies of Jesus in the hearts of His children. By the word we are favored with clear ideas, just conceptions, and encouraging views of the truths of grace and salvation: hence we have the firmest foundation, the strongest confidence, and fullest assurance to build our faith and hope upon: hence also we are emboldened to draw nigh to a throne of grace, to plead our case, present our distress, and claim, with humble boldness, a supply of all our need.

When there is a death upon all comfortable sense and joyful feelings, when all things around us wear a gloomy aspect, when conscience within writes bitter things against us, the law works wrath, and His terrors make us afraid, and an insulting foe, to heighten distress and increase our sorrows, stands over us, with "there, there, so would I have it," in such a season, O it is life from the dead to remember the infinitely transcendent love, victorious toils, triumphant conquests of Jesus over all things for us! How joyful to read that all the promises center in Him, and that they are infallibly sure and certain to all the seed—yea and Amen, to the glory of God the Father! How establishing to hear such gracious words from the mouth of Jehovah, "I, even I am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins!"Isaiah 43:25. How powerfully alluring, how sweetly attracting to the affections when love calls, "Put Me in remembrance;" plead with Me; thou shalt not call in vain; I will hear; I will answer thee! Thus love, thus grace descends to the heart; thus it speaks by the word: hence desires are kindled in the soul, blown into a flame, and ascend in fervent, earnest prayer and pleading to a faithful, promise-fulfilling God. Surely we can never enough prize God's word, never sufficiently adore the Holy Spirit for the knowledge of Jesus by the word; and if the word of the Lord is our hope, we have eternal truth, everlasting love, infinite power, and unchangeable faithfulness engaged for us. "Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him."Proverbs 30:5.

While others boast of nature's frames, And ecstacies of joy, May I still hope in God's try'd Word, And thence my comforts draw.

Remember, Lord, Thy word of grace, On which my soul doth trust: Fulfil Thy promise freely made, I plead it—Thou art just.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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