The More Earnest Heed

"Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip."Hebrews 2:1 [KJV]

The body receives little nourishment, if its food hastily pass through it. To health and strength proper digestion is necessary. Divine truths, eagerly heard and soon forgot, do not comfort, nor strengthen the soul. When the babe Jesus was lying in the manger, and the shepherds had told the glorious things they had seen and heard concerning Him, many WONDERED. But it was the happiness of the virgin mother, "she kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart."Luke 2:19.

We can never be comfortable in Jesus; but while the truths concerning Him dwell in our minds. Many complain of bad memories. They can retain but little of the doctrines of grace. True, Jesus saves none for the sake of a strong memory; neither will His loving heart cast off any because of a weak one. Yet it is our daily interest to take the wholesome advice which the Spirit of wisdom dictates. His word is our direction; His gracious cautions are necessary to prevent evils. What He teacheth is profitable to the soul's health. It behoves us to give the most earnest heed to the truths of Jesus. They demand all our attention. Pondering them in our minds, dwelling on them in our hearts continually, tend (through grace) to keep us watchful against what would rob us of their comfort, and to strengthen our memories, to retain the sweet sense of them—Hence a holy fear will be excited, lest at any time we should let them slip, or run out of our minds, as water does through a leaky vessel; and so we lose the savour of them from our hearts.

Sudden flashes of comfort, hasty transports of joy, are dubious as to their cause. It is by the word of truth we are to try them; and it is by that we shall be able to stand. The gospel of grace inspires with courage. Through the knowledge of Jesus we shall conquer. That Spirit, which excites to diligence and care, will establish in the truth. Studious souls, in the school of Jesus, make the most established and lively disciples. The opposition of enemies to the truths of electing love, Jesus' righteousness, the final salvation of His redeemed children, etc. shall do us no harm. This shall be overruled by grace to the rooting and establishing the faith of God's children. The oak is rooted stronger, by the blast that shakes it. The more we see of the evil of sin, the pride and unbelief of our corrupt natures, and the subtle devices of Satan, so much the more dear and precious shall we esteem the doctrines of free-grace, and the finished salvation of Jesus. And we shall prove ourselves His true disciples, "if we hold fast the confidence, and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end."Hebrews 3:6.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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