"I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection." —I Corinthians 9:27 [KJV]

The neglect of this brings on leanness of soul. If this enemy gains ground, it is alarming; if he prevails, it causes mourning; but when he is kept low, and supplies are cut off, his power is weakened, and victory over him is easily gained. Such are the sensitive powers, carnal affections, and sinful inclinations which compose part of our present frame, the body; a body of sin and death. To gratify and fulfil them is very pleasing and delightful to nature and sense. But how awfully subversive of the comforts of faith, the peace of the mind, and the joy of the soul, thy own sad experience, O disciple, hath proved. Nor can it be otherwise; let us not deceive ourselves; we cannot indulge and pamper the life of the flesh but to the hurt and injury of the life of the soul. There is an irreconcilable enmity between the flesh and the spirit, the old man and the new. The variance and strife will ever subsist while we are in the body. It is the Lord's sovereign will to leave the Canaanites still in the land, and to drive them out by little and little. For "behold, a King shall reign in righteousness."Isaiah 32:1. This is our beloved Jesus. Here is the exercise of faith in Him, the touchstone of our love, and the proof of our allegiance to Him, in striving daily for the mastery, to conflict with and fight against every inordinate affection and corrupt lust of our fallen, sinful nature, and to keep them under, and bring them into subjection to Him. It is hard work to fight with an enemy that is part of one's self; but Jesus' banner hath this motto: "Deny thyself, take up thy cross daily, and follow Me." Though the work is ours, yet thine, O Jesus, is the power.

Faith in Jesus not only accepts His imputed righteousness for justification, but has also a lively dependence on Christ for every supply of His Spirit for further sanctification. It leaves not the soul in a lazy languid state, but causes it to aspire after greater delight in and conformity to God; it eyes God as its centre; enjoyment of Him as its happiness, and full conformity to Him as its perfection. To indulge, pamper, and gratify the flesh, is contrary hereto; therefore mortification and self-denial, and subjecting the flesh to the spirit, will be the exercise of living, believing, loving souls. But why all this? not from legal principles: not from slavish fear of hell and damnation; not through dread of being reprobated and cast away for ever. No: Paul had not so learned, nor did Christ teach so. Believers act from love to Jesus, being assured of perfect salvation by him. "Eternal life is the gift of God."Romans 6:23.

What diff'rent pow'rs of grace and sin Attend this mortal state! I hate the thoughts that work within, And do the works I hate.

Thus will the flesh and spirit strive, And vex and break my peace; I long to live a glorious life, When sin shall ever cease.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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