"He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, for His name's sake."Psalm 23:3 [KJV]

With gratitude and joy, every believer has daily cause to address his soul in the words spoken to Naomi at the birth of Obed, "Blessed be the Lord, who hath not left thee this day without a kinsman or redeemer, whose name is famous in Israel, who shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life." Ruth 4:14, 15. To the glory of Jesus be it ever remembered, that life once received from Him can never be lost. The soul once quickened from a death in trespasses and sins, dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over it; for it is delivered from the cause of death, sin. Partaking of the life of grace from Jesus, sin has no more dominion over it to kill and destroy it.

But though the soul enjoys life in Jesus, yet sin is not dead. It dwelleth in us; it worketh in the members, and opposeth the life, peace and comfort of the new-born soul. Is there a day passeth but we find that the old man is still alive? Yea, at times the soul is so pressed above measure, that it almost despairs of life. It seems to sense and experience, as though the sentence of death was executed. O how then doth Jesus again revive and restore it! Sin often brings death upon the comforts of the soul, though it cannot touch its life; that is secure in the life-giving head: "It is hid with Christ in God."Colossians 3:3. Believers can never sin themselves beyond the extent of Christ's love, nor the reach of His power to restore them. The precious blood of Jesus is all-sufficient to purge away all sin from the conscience—yea, sins of the deepest die. See then the exceeding sinfulness of sin in the most exceeding precious fountain that is opened for its cleansing. See the love and care of the faithful Shepherd in restoring His wandering sheep. But know, O soul, whenever thou dost deviate from the path of Jesus, or backslide into sin, thou turnest thy back upon thy best Friend, thy kindest Lord; thou joinest thyself to His implacable foes. True, so unchangeable is the love of Jesus He will restore the souls of His members; but love mingles bitter potions to do this; and the most bitter of all is, thou sinnest against the richest grace and most precious love that ever was known: LOVE, that has followed, and will follow thee all thy days; LOVE, that will heal thy backslidings, and restore thy soul; LOVE, that will lead thee in the paths of righteousness to salvation and glory. When thou rememberest this thou wilt be ashamed and confounded for all that thou hast done, and love Him who doth all for His name's sake freely.

Lord, my restorer and my Guide, How apt am I to stray! O keep me near Thy blessed side, Until this perfect day. Then will I praise, at Thy dear feet, Thy tender care and love, Which brought me thro' this desert land, To realms of bliss above.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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