"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer."Romans 12:12 [KJV]

The gospel brings us from a hopeless into a hopeful state; but not into an independent one. We are never to expect freedom from trials and tribulations in this vale of tears; they lie in our way to the end of our hope, the enjoyment of God in glory. Faith takes hold of something that is material, and maketh the soul triumph in hope. Hope makes the soul joyful, and excites to patience. Tribulations cause a throne of grace to be prized, a covenant God in Christ to be sought unto and delighted in. In the rough waves of difficulties, in the storm of affliction, in the boisterous sea of temptation, hope is an anchor to the soul; when that is cast within the veil the vessel shall safely ride out every storm; though tossed, it shall not be driven from its moorings; it keeps the soul safe and steady.

The grace of patience is ranged between the joy of hope and the constant exercise of prayer, as though it could not exist without either, but is supported and strengthened by both. Jonah sleeps sound in the ship, but prays hard in the whale's belly. Distress and hope raise an importunate cry. A hopeful soul will be much in prayer; and the more in converse and communion with God, the soul will more thrive in every grace of the Spirit. "Ask, and ye shall receive," is the grand charter of heaven. Yea more, lest children grow remiss, be sparing in their addresses, and content themselves with any portion, when the exuberance is necessary, saith our munificent Lord, "Ask and receive, that your joy may be full."John 15:11. Sip not at the streams; but drink large draughts at the fountainhead.

Ever remember, Christian; the life of sense is contrary to the life of faith. Walking after the flesh, gratifying its lusts, conforming to a sinful world, deadens the life of the soul, indisposes it to prayer, makes hope decline, impatience prevail, and all the graces wither. And canst thou delight to live at a distance from thy Saviour? What! without a sense of His peace and love? Wouldst thou not fear to die in such a frame? "Keep yourselves in the love of God," is an evangelical exhortation, Jude, vs. 21—looking unto Jesus under every circumstance—avoid every thing contrary to love—study to be diligent in those means which tend to excite and strengthen the liveliness of faith, the comforts of love, the joy of hope, and the patience of the soul. "If ye do these things, ye shall never fall."II Peter 1:10.

Saints, at your Father's heav'nly word, Give up your comforts to the Lord; He shall restore what you resign, Or grant you blessings more divine.

Just in the last distressing hour, The Lord displays deliv'ring pow'r; The mount of trials is the place Where we shall see surprising grace.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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