"God is faithful, by Whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ."I Corinthians 1:9 [KJV]

While we entertain a notion of a God out of Christ, it affords no comfort to the mind to hear of God's faithfulness. Nay, if we were not blind to our state, as sinners, the thought would fill us with dread and horror. For how awful, how terrifying is this declaration from a faithful God: "I will by no means clear the guilty."Exodus 34:7. But "we know that the LORD our God, He is God, the faithful God, Who keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations."Deuteronomy 7:9. O this is the life of poor sinners' souls! this is the joy of their hearts! For whenever one reads of the COVENANT, it reminds of Jesus the Surety, the Mediator, of God in Christ, the God of love, our reconciled God and Father. We have no immediate access to the Father but by His Son Jesus Christ. When called into fellowship, intercourse, familiarity, and sweet converse with Jesus by faith, then we have free access to the Father's throne of grace, and His heart of love. We glory in his great and precious promises, and triumph in His declarations of faithfulness and truth.

The faithfulness of God is the foundation of all present grace; the security of future glory. Many weak disciples are perplexed with dark and disturbing thoughts in this matter. Their hearts are not carried up to rest in the love of the Father, where all is serene and quiet; but they rest below, in the regions of doubts and fears, storms and clouds. Their souls may be exercised, and often distressed; but they are safe, because called to the knowledge of faith in and fellowship with their elder Brother, Jesus. This is by the love of the Father through the power of the Spirit. And God is faithful to His covenant, to His Son, to His people, to His own word to them, and His work in them. "For whom He calls, them He glorifies." Faithful to support them under all present dejections of mind and sinking of spirits: faithful to preserve them in all times of danger, and to give them living comforts in a dying hour.

Now, O believer, thou art called to honor the faithfulness of thy God, by trusting in HIS WORD OF TRUTH; glorying in His promises of grace at all times. Yea, at thy worst of times and frames, even when sense, reason, feelings, and appearances are all against thee, then the Lord is for thee. "The Lord is faithful, who SHALL stablish you, and keep you from all evil."II Thessalonians 3:3. Faithful "to confirm you unto the end, that you may be blameless in the day of the Lord Jesus."I Corinthians 1:8.

Our God, how firm His promise stands, E'en when He hides His face! His trust's in our Redeemer's hands, His glory and His grace.

Then why my soul these sad complaints, Since Christ and we are one! Thy God is faithful to His saints, Is faithful to His Son.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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