Encouragement in Christ JESUS - THU/27APR23 A.D.

"Then had the churches rest and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied."Acts 9:31 [KJV]

The form of godliness without the power, is sufficient to make men saints, good church-men, honest souls in the eyes of the carnal world. But when, by the power of the Spirit our hearts possess the faith of Jesus, it cannot be hid, but the life of Jesus also will be manifested in our walk and conversation. Then persecution awaits us, the world hates us, their former esteem for and good opinion of us, is changed into hatred and opposition. The word of the Lord must be fulfilled, "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."II Timothy 3:12. This is the lot of every disciple, it is a touchstone of faith; but this is overruled by our Master's wisdom, for His glory and our spiritual advantage. These have proved the most thriving seasons to the church of God, most prosperous to the souls of disciples; then the love of this world has been most purged from the heart, and the closest fellowship with Jesus enjoyed: without adversity our graces wither.

But is the rage and fury of opposers abated? Have we a little more rest and quiet from those, who, at our first conversion to Jesus, vexed and oppressed us? Here a godly jealousy is needful, close examination necessary. Is Jesus still dear to us? Do we keep close to Him as the Beloved of our souls? Are the promises of God still precious? and do we stand steady against the smiles of the world, preferring Jesus to all? See, mark the blessed connection between edification of the truth, walking in the fear of the Lord, and enjoying the comforts the Holy Ghost.

So the church of old prospered when rest was given them. These things are inseparable. True saving knowledge of Jesus in the heart, ever discovers itself by a holy, loving, filial fear of the Lord in the life. The more we are edified in the faith, this fear increaseth: faith and fear are founded in love, and will be accompanied with the comfort of the Holy Ghost. But though the churches had rest from persecution, still the members were in the body; Satan was active; afflictions and temptations ceased not. In this, nor they nor we shall ever be exempt in this vale of tears: to endure them, we are taught, is part of our blessedness.—James 1:12. By them we learn many useful lessons of faith, patience, humility, and resignation to the will of God, and are made the more to partake of His holiness; so the Holy Ghost sanctifies them to our profit, and enables us to glorify the Lord our God, being cheerful and confident in Jesus' promise: "Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation."Revelation 3:10.

William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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