"Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures."Luke 24:45 [KJV]

Though Jesus had captivated the hearts, and drawn the affections of His disciples to Himself, before His sufferings and death, yet they had very little knowledge in the mysteries of His kingdom, and of the mystery of iniquity which worked in them: they were but weak in the understanding of the holy scriptures; hence arose their diffidence and suspicions concerning Him. He left them scattered through fear and unbelief, and He finds them full of unreasonable doubts and troubles: for this He reproves them, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken." But amidst all their weakness and ignorance there was a sweet and secret confidence in their hearts. Jesus had apprehended them as prisoners of love, and they were kept by an invisible power, that they might apprehend that for which also they were apprehended of Christ. Though He made the hearts of two of His disciples "burn within them," yet there was more warmth than light; a transient heat of affections, but not a settled understanding and judgment in the scriptures. Thus it is with many of the lambs of the flock now. They have been taught to call "Jesus Lord by the Holy Ghost." They feel some flashes of comfort, but they are oftener exercised with doubts and fears, jealousies and surmises; but as the Saviour hath loved them, and called them to Himself, He will establish their hearts in the faith. He not only warms the affections, but opens the understanding. Many mistake here: not the fire of our passions is to govern us, but our clear understanding of the scriptures. By them our faith is strengthened, our judgment established, our love increased, our hearts comforted, our holiness promoted. Thus Jesus honored the scriptures of truth: so He gave His first resurrection-blessing to His weak, but sincere disciples.

"Jesus died for our sins, and rose again according to the scriptures."I Corinthians 15:3, 4. His whole work on earth was to fulfil the scriptures. So He honored them: and herein He has left disciples an example. Prize the word of truth, study it constantly, pray over it daily. By the word of truth the Spirit teacheth knowledge. The scriptures are the sword of the Spirit: Satan will fly before them, because they testify of Jesus. Here, O soul, is an evidence of a true disciple. Jesus hath opened his understanding to understand the scriptures. Hath the Lord thus blessed thee? Then thou seest Jesus to be the sum and substance of the scriptures, therefore thou wilt esteem them as thy companion, thy guide, and thy familiar friend. "For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that we, through patience and comfort of the scriptures, might have hope."Romans 15:4.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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