"Then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain; as the latter and former rain unto the earth."Hosea 6:3 [KJV]

Hearts of disciples enjoy sweet fellowship in the truth. Hence they mutually help and encourage each other's faith. The Saviour loves to have it so. He blesses them, and manifests Himself to them in this way. So it was with the disciples after His crucifixion and death. They resorted together, and communed with each other; and Jesus, though unknown to them at first, joined company with them, expounded the scriptures to them, opened their understandings; and they said one to another, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked with us by the way?" etc.—Luke 24:32.

So the true disciples of the Old Testament church exhort one another in faith. "We shall know, we shall follow on to know the Lord." So the words may be rendered. Those who know a little of Jesus' love, and are but just brought acquainted with His free-grace and salvation, shall hold on their way. Knowledge, light, peace, and love shall increase to their souls, through that Spirit by Whom they are regenerated and born again. Though at first they are but "babes in Christ, yet, through the milk of the word, they shall grow and increase, with the increase of God." The going-forth of the love of Jesus towards us, is as the morning. At the dawn of day, light is scarce discernible: it seems opposed by surrounding darkness, yet it gradually increases till the sun gains its meridian. So "the path of the just shineth more and more unto the perfect day."

The sun never forsakes the earth, though at seasons its light and heat seem withdrawn in comfort and enjoyment. Thus it is with the sun of righteousness; He shall also "come unto us as the rain," to refresh, enliven, and make our souls fruitful in knowledge, peace, love, and holiness; yea, as "the latter and former rain." In the land of Israel, they had usually two rains in a year, one just after the seed was sown, the other when the corn was almost ripe, and the harvest just at hand. Sometimes, just after the seed of eternal life is sown in the hearts of young converts (O what joyful, refreshing, seasons of love and joy are they favored with!) their "hearts are filled with laughter, and their tongues with joy." Others experience the most plentiful showers of heart-reviving love, just as the sickle is to cut them down, that they may be gathered in to the heavenly garner. Our heavenly husbandman knows best what seasons to give, whether the storm of affliction, the rain of prosperity, or the sunshine of joy. This is our mercy. "Jesus is a God of judgment; blessed are all they that wait for Him."Isaiah 30:18.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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