"We know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is."I John 3:2 [KJV] 

Why should the Lord, Who giveth us all things richly to enjoy, lay an embargo on our fully gratifying ourselves in the use of them? Why are we called to daily mortification and self-denial, as to sensual objects? Verily, it is all in love to our souls, that Jesus and spiritual objects might be more enjoyed; for experience proves the life of sense to be opposite to the life of faith. The more pleasure, comfort, and happiness we enjoy in the things of this life, this tends to make us love the world, and loath to leave it; and so our affections to Jesus cool, our desires after His appearing abate in their fervor, and we lose our longings after the unclouded sight of Him in glory. So St. Paul reproves Christians of old: "Are ye not carnal, and walk as men?"I Corinthians 3:3

How justly applicable is this interrogation to us also! Reflect on this soul-reviving truth, Yet a little while and Jesus shall appear. So sure as He was once upon earth in our nature, He will appear again in the same human body, exalted and glorified. And can we know and believe this as an undoubted truth, live upon it in expectation, without finding a deadness to this present world, and all its enjoyments? Here we feel sin in our flesh, pains in our bodies, afflictions our companions, wanderings and deadness in duties, trials and temptations of various sorts; and innumerable evils of every kind doth this short life abound with: but at the appearing of Jesus all will be at an end; for we shall be like Him: our vile bodies shall be fashioned like to His glorious body. Our souls shall be perfectly conformed to His image. In soul and body we shall eternally enjoy Him. And are we the subjects of such a hope? Let us live like ourselves; as members of Jesus our head. Let us ever be pressing after Him, living upon His fulness, and longing for His appearing. Most blessed sight! most desirable fruition! we shall see our Jesus as He is. 

Once the despised Nazarene—once the devoted victim to curse and wrath; but now the Lord of life and glory, bestowing immortality and eternal life upon His dearly-purchased, blood-bought members. O, were our hearts more with Christ on the cross, and more with Him on His throne by faith, how would sin be subdued, the world overcome, Satan conquered, and our happy hearts triumphing in love! for "we are more than conquerors over all, through Jesus that hath loved us."  

O the delights, the heav'nly joys! The glories of the place, Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams Of His o'erflowing grace!  

This is the Man, th' exalted Man, Whom we unseen adore: But when our eyes behold His face, Our hearts shall love Him more.  

And while our faith enjoys this fight, We long to leave our clay; And wish Thy fiery chariots, Lord, To fetch our souls away. 

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.) 


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