The Armor of Christ's Righteousness

"...having on the breast-plate of righteousness." —Ephesians 6:14 [KJV] 

When Saul had armed David, with his armour, to go against Goliath, the Philistine giant, his heart smote him, lest he should confide in it, and so be drawn from simply trusting to the power of God only; therefore he said, "I cannot go with these; I have not proved them: and David put them off him."—1 Samuel 17:39. A faithful heart is jealous of the Saviour's glory. Though the believer is made righteous, and loves and walks in the paths of righteousness, yet he will glory in nothing before God, nor trust in any righteousness to shield him from the face of the enemy, but the perfect, spotless righteousness of his dear and precious Saviour. He puts off all others, by the faith of Christ, as contrary to his hope. As he sees the purity and extent of the divine law, that it is quick and powerful, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, knowing his own righteousness to be defective, and that in many things we all offend; therefore he could just as soon trust an honeycomb for a breastplate, as the moth-eaten garment of his own best works.  

Why doth Satan, sin, and the law, so often wound our breasts, and grieve our hearts? It is because we are not careful to guard with our breastplate of Jesus' righteousness. It should ever be the joy and rejoicing of our souls to consider the work of Jesus as man and mediator. Did He shed His blood? did He die a cursed death? did He in His holy life "put on righteousness as a breastplate?"Isaiah 59:17. Faith triumphs in His death, as the one atonement for sin. Faith glories in His life, as the one righteousness. So the once guilty soul is cleansed, so the once naked soul is clothed and adorned; and thus it is ever glorious in the sight of God in this best robe of its elder brother, Jesus. So also is the once defenceless soul armed against every attack of sin, Satan, the law, and death. This breastplate is more than proof against all. While pride and self-righteousness go hand in hand, and unite in objections against the imputed righteousness of our Immanuel, humble, self-emptied souls, glory and triumph that their salvation is according to the laws of strict justice and perfect righteousness. Possessing righteousness in Jesus, we draw nigh to a throne of grace with boldness now, and shall lift up our heads with joy before a righteous throne of judgment in the great and tremendous day. "For righteousness delivereth from death."Proverbs 10:2. "Though sin hath reigned unto death, (IN US) yet grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life (FOR US) by Jesus Christ our Lord."Romans 5:21.  

Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in these array'd, With joy shall I lift up my head.  

Then, while I am Thy soldier here, O learn me more this heav'nly art, To glory in Thy righteousness, To guard my breast from ev'ry dart. 

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.) 


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