Strive to Enter (The Strait Gate)

"Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter in, but shall not be able." —Luke 13:24 [KJV] 

Thou feeble-minded disciple, weak in faith, thy Jesus speaks not thus to discourage thee from seeking salvation by Him only; for He also says, "Every one that seeketh findeth." But rather He hereby animates and encourages thy soul in striving against every enemy that opposeth thy entering His kingdom by the strait gate, even by His one atonement, and one righteousness ONLY. He designs also to shew that men may not only SEEK, but STRIVE, yea, strive as in an agony "to enter in, but shall not be able." Why? Because they expect to enter the kingdom by some other gate than Jesus. But, says the apostle, "No man is crowned, except he strives lawfully." Earnestness, zeal, activity, avail nothing, while Jesus is not the ONLY object: His blood, the only plea for pardon; His righteousness, the only hope for acceptance. But this, in the eyes of self-righteous professors, makes the gate appear too strait indeed. Hence they seek to enter, by ways more pleasing to their pride, and more agreeable to the corrupt lusts of their nature. So that striving is not so much opposed to seeking, as the strait-gate JESUS is to every other method of salvation of man's devising. There is an awful denunciation against such—Isaiah 45:9: "Woe be to him that striveth with his Maker." Shall potsherds of the earth dare contend against the sovereignty of God's wisdom, power, and grace? Here is the strife of the Pharisee. And in opposition to the sloth and licentiousness of the Antinomian, says our Lord to all His disciples, 'STRIVE—strive, by My power which strengthens you, against every enemy that opposeth your entering My kingdom, by ME.'  

As surely as there is a devil in hell, there will be false teachers on earth. So long as thou continuest in the body, thou wilt have corrupt lusts, carnal reason, the workings of pride, unbelief, and self-righteousness. Now all these unite to oppose thy faith, and contend against thy hope; but thy master, Who calleth thee to arms, bids thee "be of good courage, and strive for the mastery." In His strength thou art sure to conquer and win the prize. "Press forward, striving against sin,"Hebrews 12:4"striving for the faith of the gospel,"Philippians 1:27"striving fervently in prayers,"Colossians 4:12"striving according to His workings, Who worketh mightily in His people," ch. 1:29. 

Give light, O Lord, to see the gate, That would beguile my soul; By THEE, Who art the truth, the way, From Satan's power, the world, and sin.  

Turn off my eyes from other hopes, And strength to strive to enter in O fix and keep my wand'ring heart To Thee entire and whole. 

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.) 


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