The Called Out One's - As God Has Appointed!

"Preserved in Jesus Christ, and called." -Jude 1 [KJV]

What a mercy it is for God’s people that before they have a vital union with Christ, before they are grafted into Him experimentally, they have an eternal, immanent union with Him before all worlds.It is this eternal union that brings them into time existence. It is by virtue of this eternal union that they come into the world at such a time, at such a place, from such parents, under such circumstances, as God has appointed. It is by virtue of this eternal union that the circumstances of their time-state are ordained. By virtue of this eternal union they are preserved in Christ before they are called; they cannot die till God has brought about a vital union with Christ. Whatever sickness they may pass through, whatever injuries they may be exposed to, whatever perils assault them on sea or land, fall they will not, fall they cannot, till God’s purposes are executed in bringing them into a vital union with the Son of His love.

Thus, this eternal union watched over every circumstance of their birth, watched over their childhood, watched over their manhood, watched over them till the appointed time and spot, when "the God of all grace," according to His eternal purpose, was pleased to quicken their souls, and thus bring about an experimental union with the Lord of life and glory. 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.) 


"I AM the bright and morning Star." -Revelation 22:16 [KJV]

How oft, in some dark wintry morning, like the present, have I bebeld the morning star shining with loveliness, when all the other lights of heaven were put out! But how little did I think of Thee, Thou precious light and life of men! Thou art indeed the bright and morning Star in the firmament of Thy church, in Thy word, and in the souls of Thy redeemed. Henceforth, dearest Jesus, let the morning visit of this sweet planet to our darkened earth remind me of Thee, amidst all the gross darkness by which in nature we are surrounded. Sure pledge of day as this beneficial star is, yet not more sure than Thou in the day-dawn and day-star of prophecy, which ministered to Thy coming; and in the twilight of grace upon the soul, the forerunner of a glorious day. 

Be Thou my morning song, my noontide joy, my evening meditation, and midnight light. Through all the wintry seasons of my pilgrimage, shine forth, sweet Jesus, upon my soul. Oh! ye sons of sloth, ye children of darkness, and of night, rouse from your beds of drowsiness, before the sleep of death seal up your eyes in everlasting darkness. Jesus, the Morning Star, now shines; and are long, Jesus, the Sun of  Righteousness, will appear, no more to go down, and all the sons of God will shout for joy

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 


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