"Thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name." -Isaiah 62:2 [KJV] 

This is predicted of the church of God; which, according to covenant-transactions of the glorious Trinity, stands in the nearest and dearest relation to JESUS her Head. She is here spoken of as a single person, THOU: she is called "Christ's body,"—Col. 1:24, and "the bride, the Lamb's wife,"—Rev. 21:9, of whom, saith God the Father, "I have loved thee with an everlasting love,"—Jer. 31:3. Yea, saith the Son of God to His Father, of all His beloved members, "Thou hast loved them as Thou hast loved Me. . . .and Thou lovest Me before the foundation of the world,"—John 17:23, 24. O most comforting truths of God's word! how ancient is the love of God to His church! That God should love us miserable sinners at all is amazing; but that He should love us with the very same everlasting unchangeable love, wherewith He loves His own beloved Son, this surpasseth all knowledge! This love is the source of all blessings in time; this love secures all happiness in eternity.  

The Son of God has manifested His infinite love to His church, by conflicting with and overcoming all the powers of earth and hell for her sake. He most clearly purchased her, in a way of strict justice, with His most precious blood. But He finds every one of His ransomed ones branded with this old name of infamy, a SINNER: it being near six thousand years since first entailed. By nature we are all old in sin, and dead in sin: but being predestinated unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ, and to be conformed to His image, to the praise of the glory of God's grace, therefore we shall be called by a new name.  

This the Lord, the Spirit, effecteth. Being born of the Spirit, and baptized with the Holy Ghost into the faith of Jesus, the Lord calls us by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. This is it, verse 12, "The holy people. . . .the redeemed of the Lord. . . .thou shalt be called SOUGHT OUT." O the blessedness of being sought out! how precious is HE who sought us out! He sought us in the ruins of the fall. He found us in a most miserable condition; but He calls us by a NEW NAME, which signifies new creatures in our living head, who is the NEW MAN. This He makes us. Then we experience the blessedness of a new state in, and of a new life from JESUS. He is a new and living way to us. By faith we walk with God—live upon Jesus—feel sweet fellowship with Him— enjoy comforting communion from Him—and have joyful access to the Father through Him. Thus the Lord writes "a new name upon his members, which no man knoweth, saving he who receiveth it."—Rev. 2:17.  

Thus, as Luther testifies, "a Christian is a new creature in a new world." He is a subject of a new King, whose name is LOVE; and of a new kingdom, wherein dwelleth righteousness. He is possessed of new hopes—new pleasures—new desires and new joys. Yes, and he finds new fears—new sorrows—new conflicts, yea, and new enemies too. Though that old serpent the Devil and Satan, who deceiveth the whole world, is cast out of us, he still wageth war against us. What then? every trial we meet with, every temptation we are beset with, shall only glorify the riches of God's love to us, and the power of the grace of Jesus in us— shall learn us the use of our spiritual weapons—deaden our affections to earth—quicken our longings for glory—endear Jesus more to our hearts, so as with ardency to cry out, O that I may be found in HIM! how glorious the privileges! how animating the prospect of all such new-named souls! they are interested in all new covenant blessings. New wine of gospel-peace and love is put into such new bottles. A new song, "Salvation to the Lamb that was slain," inspires their tongues. Such are lovingly called, by the word of their Father, and powerfully enabled, by the Spirit of his grace, to serve and glorify Him, "not in the oldness of the letter," but in newness of the Spirit, in "righteousness and true holiness before Him all the days of their life:" happy new year to such new-named souls! every revolving year on earth brings them nearer their Father's house, their Saviour's kingdom in glory. Thus, "if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new."—2 Cor. 5:17.  

My Jesus, my almighty Friend. When I begin Thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end! The numbers of Thy grace!  

Still has my life new wonders seen Repeated ev'ry year; Behold my days that yet remain, I trust them to thy care.  

Thou art my everlasting trust, Thy Person I adore: And since I knew Thy graces first, I speak Thy glories more. My feet shall travel all the length of the celestial road, And march with courage in Thy strength, To see my Father God.  

When I am fill'd with sore distress For some surprising sin, I'll plead Thy perfect righteousness, And mention none but Thine.  

How will my lips in glory tell Thy vict'ries, O my King! My soul redeem'd from sin and hell, Shall Thy salvation sing. 

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.) 


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