Christ JESUS our All-Sufficient Ransom

 "...Who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." —I Timothy 2:6 [KJV]  

The gospel is quite sufficient to answer every objection, and to silence every cavil against salvation by Christ. This sacred oracle we are to consult day after day. Do we ask, Why are any sinners saved? It assures us God hath loved them; this is the cause. If we enquire how God doth save them? It tells us, It is in a way of strict justice, consistent with the honor of God's law, the perfection of His righteousness, holiness, and truth. Therefore redemption is, by stipulated price, the blood of the covenant, the precious blood of Christ as a Lamb without spot. Do we seek to know who are the redeemed of the Lord? Jesus assures us "He gave His life a ransom for many."Matthew 20:28—even for ALL whom the Father hath given Him.  

The word of God mentions no one in particular; but sets forth salvation in general and extensive terms—it is exactly suited to the most vile and accursed state of sinners—it is perfectly sufficient to relieve the mind, encourage hope, forbid despair, under a sense of the most complicated sins and accumulated guilt of lost, wretched, and undone souls; for the ransom of Jesus is sufficient, is all-sufficient. The price He paid for our redemption is fully equivalent to satisfy for all our transgressions, and to answer every demand of law and justice. To this very end Christ gave Himself. So is He testified of in the gospel of grace. This essential and important enquiry, Have I redemption in the blood of Christ, even the forgiveness of my sins? is also explicitly answered—for "he that believeth, shall be saved""he is justified from all things." Thus the Holy Ghost testifies in the word. Where this is received and believed in the heart, the same Spirit also bears witness to it with our spirits. And the faith of God's elect is evidenced, by bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit.  

There is a time, a due time, when Christ shall be thus testified of to the souls of all God's chosen. The ransom-price being paid, He will set the captives free, and "say to the prisoners, go forth; to them that are in darkness, shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways (of light and truth); and their pastures shall be in all high places (even the mountains of consolation and the hills of joy). They shall not hunger nor thirst (after any other hope but Jesus): neither shall the heat, nor the sun smite them; (trials and afflictions shall profit them); He that hath mercy upon them shall lead them: (they shall not be left to walk in their own crooked ways): but by the springs of water (of refreshment and holiness) shall He guide them."— Isaiah 49:9, 10 [KJV]

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.) 


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