Incoming GOOD NEWS Report! 15 December, 2022 A.D.

Weekend Gospel message to follow for All Hands (16-18DEC22 A.D.)

Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in SO GREAT SALVATION by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace -Almighty God's unmerited favor- from our sins and from Hell:


JESUS! No name so dear as His,

O what a joyful sound!

So full of mercy, truth and love,

In Him all grace is found.

The One the angels worshiped,

Creator, Lord and King;

When to this earth He came to save,

His glories they did sing.

JESUS! For guilty rebels came,

Hopeless in sin we lay;

He came to bring in righteousness,

And wash our sins away!

No One but Christ the Savior,

Could save from death and hell;

His blood has saved us evermore,

O praise Emmanuel!

JESUS! The holy Son of Man,

Came down to save the lost;

And by His sacrificial death,

He paid redemption’s cost.

O precious death that saved us

That conquered all our foes;

Since He the law had satisfied,

Up from the grave He rose.

JESUS! Send forth Thy gospel Word,

Salvation to make known;

Draw guilty sinners unto Thee,

To trust in Thee alone!

To Thee we lift our voices,

Our Lord and sovereign King!

It shall forever be our joy,

Our praises to Thee bring!

-words by Jim Byrd

Know for your comfort that the weakest believer in Christ is as nearly related to God the Father as is the strongest believer. Every branch of a tree is not alike strong nor big, and yet the largest limb and the smallest twig is equally united to the tree and therefore to the root. The weakest believer is clothed with the white raiment of Christ’s righteousness and is as much justified and sanctified as is the strongest. There is no condemnation to all who are in Christ; the weakest believer shall endure to the end. They are all kept by the power of God, through faith to salvation. It is not the sinner that believes strongly that shall be saved, but he that believes! “Lord I believe; help Thou mine unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

-preacher Ebenezer Erskine (1680-1754 A.D.)

"Storm Warning: Prove All Things" is a fifteen-minute Gospel broadcast each Saturday via WWCR on World Band/Short-Wave radio at 5.935 MHz (also 5935 KHz) at 18:00 Hours (6 PM) U.S. Central Time. The goal is to exalt Christ JESUS; to encourage His people and to warn all hands to flee to Him immediately.

This can also be heard on-line by going to WWCR(dot)com a few minutes prior to the broadcast. Click on "Listen Online." Then scroll down to transmitter “WWCR-2," underneath that choose either Windows Media Player or MP3 player. Click Play.” If the broadcast goes silent “Refresh” the page and click again the Play button.
The LORD JESUS be magnified!


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