"The daughters saw her, and blessed her." -Song of Solomon 6:9 [KJV]

These are the words of Jesus, in commendation of His church. He holds her forth as lovely not only in His view, but in the eyes of others. The daughters probably, mean true believers, in whose esteem Christ and His church are most engaging; and it is more than probable that by daughters, young believers are particularly meant, whose first love, like the blossom of the apple-tree, is most beautiful in its first opening.  

Pause, my soul, and behold, from what Jesus Himself saith of His church, how truly lovely she must be in the Redeemer's view; and indeed without a proper apprehension of the infinite value of the human soul, it is not possible to conceive of the exalted light wherein the church must appear to Jesus. We may form some faint idea of its value, from the vast price it cost Jesus in the redemption. None but the Son of God could make the purchase; and even Jesus only by blood. Who shall say how infinitely precious then must the church at large, composed of an innumerable host of redeemed souls as it is, appear in Jesus’s eyes?  

The soul washed in His blood, and clothed in His spotless robe of righteousness, must be lovely indeed! And in that day, when Jesus brings the church Home finally and fully, to present her to Himself and Father, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; and when the church shall appear amidst a congregated world of men and angels, the purchase of Jesus's blood, the gift of His Father's grace, and the conquest of the Holy Ghost; how will the daughters who see her, then bless her, and bless Him, Who is the Author of all her unspeakable glory and felicity! Precious Lord Jesus! If such be the beauty of Thy church, what must Thy glory be, in whose comeliness alone she is made lovely? Oh! for grace to view Jesus in all, and to love Jesus in all! Thou, Lord, art the source and fountain of blessedness to Thy church and people, for grace here, and glory to all eternity. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 


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