"And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said unto him, Zaccheus, make haste, and come down; for to-day I must abide at thy house." Luke 19:5 

Precious Jesus! what an instance is here of the freeness, fulness, and sovereignty of Thy grace! And was there "a needs be," O Lord, that Thou shouldest go to the place where this publican was? "A needs be" to look up and see him? "A needs be" to call him? and "A needs be" to abide at his house? Is this Thy manner, O Lord, in calling sinners? So then it was not Zaccheus seeking Jesus, but Jesus seeking Zaccheus. His curiosity, as he thought, led him thither; but it was the prevenient grace of Jesus in the poor man's heart, that first awakened that curiosity in him. And did Jesus seek Zaccheus, call Zaccheus, incline Zaccheus to receive Him, and bring salvation to his heart and house that blessed day? Oh! then for grace to see, and enjoy Jesus in all. Yea, I see, Lord, now, plain enough, that all is Thine; and of Thine own, all we give is from Thee.  

When first my heart felt inclined to seek Jesus, it was Jesus who inclined my heart to this Christ seeking. Never should I have looked on Thee, nor felt an inclination to see Thee, hadst Thou not first looked on me, and given me that desire. And what it was first, so is it now, in all the after enjoyments of Thy sight and of Thy presence. If I am at any time looking after Thee, I may cry out with Abraham's handmaid, "Thou, Lord, seest me," and art looking after me. For never, even after all my knowledge of Thee, should I look to Thee with an eye of desire, except the eye of Jesus glance on me, as it did on Peter, in quickening and awakening grace.  

Oh! then, Thou dear Lord! let me daily, hourly, hear Thy voice calling me down from all creature concerns, and creature confidences, to receive my Lord; and be Thou constrained by Thy love to come, not as the wayfaring man, to tarry but for the night, but to abide, and dwell, and never more depart from me. Be Thou my God, and make me Thy servant for ever. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 


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