The Wednesday Word ~ 21 September, 2022 A.D.

 Behold, What Manner of Man is This?

by D.G. Miles McKee

 The disciples were exhausted.  Their arsenal of resources had been depleted. They had tried everything and yet their boat was continuing to sink. Then in their wisdom, they turned to Jesus and called on Him for help. In grace and power, He instantly calmed the raging storm, and the astonished would-be mariners were stunned at His authority and majesty. Then they said one to another, “Behold, what manner of man is this ….?” (Mark 4:41).That’s a great question…What manner of man is this man Jesus? Let’s call up some witnesses to testify on His behalf. Let’s first ask Isaiah.“Isaiah, you are one of the greatest of the prophets what do you say about Jesus?” And Isaiah says, “He is the Mighty God.” (Isaiah 9:6). “He is the Lamb brought to the slaughter.” (Isaiah 53:7). Let’s now ask Micah. “Micah, do you have anything to say about the Lord Christ?” And Micah replies, “His goings forth are from eternity.” (Micah 5:2). Now, let’s ask the apostle John about Jesus. And John says,“In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God …and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:1,14). What about you Thomas? Have you anything to say? “Yes indeed,” replies Thomas, “He is my Lord and My God” (John 20:28).  What an array of witnesses! This Jesus whom we worship was not merely a good man, He was and is the God/Man. As one old saint said, “Jesus was God spelling Himself out in a language that we could understand.” Behold what manner of man is this? “Behold.” Now that’s an interesting word. It means, “Pay particular attention to this.” Let’s, therefore, call more witnesses to testify about Jesus so that we can better behold Him.  First in line is Pilate, and he says, “I find no fault in this man.” (Luke 23:4). Then Pilate’s wife says, “He’s a just man.” (Matthew 27:19). Next, the centurion says, “Surely this was a righteous man” (Luke 23:47) and he is followed by the thief on the cross who says, “This man has done nothing amiss.” (Luke 23:40). Even the traitor Judas says, “I have betrayed innocent blood.” (Matthew 27:4). Behold, what manner of man is this? Jesus said of Himself, “Which one of you convicts Me of sin?” (John 8:46). He was sinless!  He suffered so that He would save.  He went to the cross so that He would conquer. He was the revelation of God and the redeemer of men.  He was unique! At no time did He ever ask anyone to pray for Him. He never apologized for He never had to.  He, at no time, revised His teachings. He never misspoke Himself. He never said, “O I didn’t mean it that way, what I really meant to say was…such and such.” Jesus was impeccable, free from fault and blame: He was flawless.  Behold, what manner of man is this? Someone once said it like this. “Jesus in His Deity was not able to sin, and Jesus in His humanity was able not to sin.” He was the God/Man. The rich young ruler found this out in Luke 18:19 when Jesus asked, “Why do you call Me good, there is none good but God?” In other words, Jesus said to the young man, “You don’t believe that I am God so why are you calling Me good? Don’t call Me good if you won’t call Me God.” The blood on that middle cross was the blood of the God/Man. Behold what manner of man is this? On the cross, He was lifted up on the earth.At His resurrection, He was lifted up out of the earth.At His ascension, He was lifted up from the earth.Since He has been lifted up, He will draw all manner of men to Himself (John 12:32). Behold what manner of man is this? He is wonderful! And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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