"I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring." -Isaiah 44:3 [KJV]

In pouring out His Spirit upon Zion's seed, God pours out therewith every spiritual blessing that there is in His heart or hands to bestow. Whatever earthly good you may enjoy, without the blessing of God it will but prove a curse; whatever afflictions fall to your earthly lot, if God bless, they must all eventually be made a blessing. Nor is this blessing niggardly given, for the Lord has here promised that He will pour it out! It shall be given as profusely and as abundantly as the Spirit Himself. Nor shall Zion doubt either the blessing itself or the source whence it comes, for it carries its own evidence, shines in the light of its own testimony, and manifests itself by its own effects. And does not the contrast between the dry ground and the promised showers of blessing enhance it all the more? Your very barrenness and sterility make the promise all the more suitable, and therefore all the more sweet.  

If you look into yourself, a barren wilderness meets your view. If you look up, you see the clouds of blessing floating in the pure sky. You see that the Lord has promised to "pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground." You beg of Him to fulfil that promise to your soul. You have no other plea but His own word of promise, no other recommendation but your own miserable barrenness. He enables you to cry to Him. He listens to that cry, and in His own time pours water upon your thirsty soul, and floods upon your dry and parched heart. O may a sense of our poverty and destitution be ever a means, in His sacred hand, of leading us to seek that blessing which He alone can bestow! 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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