JESUS, Fountain of Living Water

"For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world." -II Timothy 4:10 [KJV]

Was this the same Demas of whom the apostle spake, Colossians 4:14? I should hope not. But if it was, it becomes no proof of a man's falling from grace. The apostle no where speaks of this man as being a partaker of grace. And a man cannot fall from grace, who never possessed grace. Professors there may be, who follow the means of grace, as Demas followed Paul; but the world, as in his instance, is still in their heart. But, my soul, what the apostle hath said of him, may well serve for an instruction to thee. If Jesus, and the love of Jesus, with all His sweetness, beauty, suitableness, and delight, be come into thine heart, then will the love of this present world be gone out. Both cannot dwell nor live together in the same heart.  

A believer in Christ Jesus will carry with him his affection to Jesus even into the world, wherever the business or duties of life, in the honest maintenance of himself and family, necessarily call him. Is he constrained to go to the market-place, or engaged in the labours of his hands at home, still the savour of Jesus's name is upon his soul; and fellowship with heaven is carried on, while intercourse with the earth and earthly things engage his hands. "Holiness unto the LORD shall be upon the bells of the horses," Zechariah 14:20 that is, every thing shall carry with it a memorandum for the sanctified use of all providences. When a soul hath once made Jesus his portion, his desires are to trace Jesus in every thing, and to enjoy Jesus in every thing; and to say, with one of old, "Nevertheless I am continually with thee; Thou hast holden me by my right hand," Psalm 73:23.  

My soul, what saith thine experience to this statement? If, Demas-like, thou lovest this present world, thine enjoyments, even in religion, will rise or fall, and be as the world countenanceth or frowneth upon it, like those springs of water which have a subterraneous communication with the sea; if the tide flow, they rise high; if the tide be at ebb, they will ebb also. But if Jesus, the living water, be the source and fountain of all thy love and enjoyments, the tides of this world will have no effect upon the streams of thy delight; "the water (which Jesus hath given thee) will be in thee a well of water springing up to everlasting life!" 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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