CHRIST JESUS THE LORD: Meek and Lowly in Heart

"Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation." -Philippians 2:6, 7 [KJV]

My soul, after all thy meditations upon the person of thy Lord, how very far short hast thou come in thy thoughts of the unequalled humility of the Son of God! Let thy present evening's contemplation be on this subject. But where, and at what part shall I enter upon it. Who shall speak, or what heart conceive the wonders contained in it! Blessed Spirit of all truth! do thou glorify the Lord Jesus to my evening meditation, in this interesting view of His person. He that, before all worlds, lay in the bosom of the Father, and was attended by the services of legions of angels, condescended to be made not only flesh, but in the likeness of sinful flesh; to be born in a stable, and to sleep in a manger; to advance in human intellect, and grow in wisdom and in stature; to labour for bread, and to gain that bread by the sweat of the brow; and, having spent an eternity in glory with the Father, to spend thirty years in poverty and want among men!  

Go on, my soul, in the meditation. Follow Jesus till thou hast beheld Him, not only having no where to lay His head, but becoming the scorn and sport of the multitude; and He, who had been, and still was, and ever will be the delight and glory of the Father, branded by men, even by many of them He came to save, as a blasphemer, and one that had a devil! Sit down and ponder over these wonderful things; and then ask, What can raise affections in the soul, if such views of Jesus do not? Think what must have been the Father's love in giving His dear Son to such a purpose? and what must have been the Son's love in coming? Then ask thyself, what indignities oughtest thou not to submit to among men, if called upon to such an exercise, while contemplating the unequalled humility of thy Redeemer? Dearest Lord Jesus!! blush in the moment of recollection, while beholding Thy real glory thus veiled under the cloud of humiliation, to think how often for trifles, yea, less than trifles, the false pride of my poor fallen nature hath felt hurt at some fancied inattention from men. Oh! for the same mind to be in me "which was in Christ Jesus!" He made Himself of no reputation! 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)   


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