God is filled with eternal joy in the salvation of His people

"Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good." -Jeremiah 32:41 [KJV]

God rejoices as much in saving your soul as you can rejoice in your soul being saved. Say I "as much?" His joy is infinite, and yours is finite; His the joy of God, and yours but the joy of man. Do you believe that God rejoices to save, delights in saving? Why else should He have given His dear Son? Do the angels rejoice over repenting sinners? Is there no joy then in the bosom of God to save a sinner too? How this takes us up, as it were, into the very realms of bliss, and reveals to us the wondrous character of God in His Trinity of persons and Unity of essence, that there is a rejoicing in the salvation of the Church, so that God Himself, so to speak, is filled with eternal joy in the salvation of His people.  

When His dear Son offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin, and thus put away the transgressions and iniquities of the Church by His own blood-shedding and death, overcame death and hell, and washed us in His blood from all our filth and guilt and shame, God, so to speak; rejoiced with infinite joy in the completion of the work of His dear Son. It was the fulfilment of His eternal purposes of wisdom and grace. It was the manifestation of His glory to men and angels. It was the triumph of good over evil, of holiness over sin, of mercy over judgment, of love over enmity, of wisdom over craft, of the counsels of God over the devices of man, and, above all, of the Son of God in his weakness over Satan in his might. It was peopling heaven with an innumerable multitude of saints by whom eternal anthems of praise should be sung to God and the Lamb. Thus we may see how the God of heaven even now rejoices with holy joy over every one whom He brings to the enjoyment of a salvation so free, so great, so glorious. 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.) 


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