The Banqueting-House

"He brought me to the banqueting-house, and His banner over me was love." -Song of Solomon 2:4 [KJV]

In whatever sense thou art led, my soul, to look at the banqueting-house of Jesus, thy joy will be great in the contemplation. And if He who hath prepared the banqueting-house, and well stored it with every thing to afford a spiritual repast, will lead thee thither, and regale thee there with the rich enjoyment of Himself, and the fulness of blessings in Him, thou wilt have a feast of fat things indeed! Come then, this evening, and take a view of Jesus's banqueting-house, and wait on thy kind and condescending Lord. He hath been known to take home many a poor waiting hungry sinner, that hath been on the look-out for him, to His banqueting-house, and given him a gracious, full, and satisfying entertainment.  

Come then, my soul, and see this banqueting-house of Jesus. Some have looked at it as the covenant itself of redemption; for this is indeed a house of banquet, where every thing that can enrich the soul in the love of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, is found. Oh! The blessedness of this covenant! Well might David, when he was brought into it, exult and say, "This is all my salvation, and all my desire!" And some have looked at the banqueting-house, and thought it meant the church, the house of God; for here all the blessings of the covenant are given to the guests which Jesus brings into it. And here again we find, that they who are blessed with a place in God's house are so delighted, as to resolve to go out no more. "Here would I dwell (is the language that expresseth the sentiment of all): this is my rest for ever; here will I dwell, for I have a delight therein," Psalm 132:14. And some have looked at the banquetinghouse of the Lord Jesus, and considered, that it is the blessed "word of God, the scriptures, of truth." And certain it is, that "they contain the words of eternal life;" and open every day, and all the day, an everlasting supply to banquet the hungry soul, and to satiate the sorrowful soul.  

One, who could not be mistaken, said, when he had been feeding upon the rich things contained in it, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart," Jeremiah 15:16. And another, not less taught, cried out in a transport, "O how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day," Psalm 119:97. But I see no reason why the whole may not be considered as the banqueting, house of Jesus. For when, by the sweet influences of His Spirit, He hath brought His redeemed into a heart-felt enjoyment of an interest in His covenant, His church, and scriptures, every word, ordinance, and means of grace, with all the promises, are the inheritance of His people.  

Pause, my soul, and inquire whether the Lord Jesus hath thus brought thee in? Art thou acquainted with His banqueting-house, and convinced that none but Jesus could bring thee in? It is a solemn thought! Man may attend the church, may read the scriptures, follow ordinances; yea, go to the Lord's table; but unless Jesus, by His Holy Spirit, lead the sinner there, meets him there, and blesseth him there, to what purpose will be the going?  

Look to it, my soul, that thy visits are by the Lord's invitation, and thy welcome from Him; yea, that He leads thee by the hand, meets thee, and blesseth thee; sets His banner over thee of love, and bids thee partake largely in the riches of His grace and salvation, in those well known words of thy Lord: "Eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved." 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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