Send the Rod of Thy Strength, O LORD!

"Aaron's rod that budded." -Hebrews 9:4 [KJV]

One view more of the tabernacle, and the articles of furniture therein contained, may be rendered profitable, under the Spirit's teaching: and therefore, my soul, look at that standing miracle, which was preserved there, of the rod of Aaron. The history of it is related in the book of Numbers, chapter 17. It was the method, which the Lord was graciously pleased to appoint, for the determining on whom His choice rested for the priesthood. To this end, a rod was taken from every tribe, and laid up before the Lord in the tabernacle; the Lord having declared, that whichsoever of the tribes had the rod to blossom, should be the man. The rod of Aaron, on the morrow, had buds, and blossoms, and fruits. But in all these, Christ, in His everlasting priesthood, was typified. To behold a dry stick bring forth buds, and become green and flourishing, was miraculous, and only to be referred into the sovereign power and will of God.  

But, my soul, when we see Jesus, as the branch out of the root of Jesse, we behold Him, as the Prophet, ages before His incarnation, described Him, growing up before Jehovah in His tabernacle, as the rod laid up before Him, "a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground." Isaiah 53:2. And as the rod of Aaron had in one and the same moment the whole product of the season in buds, and blossoms, and fruits; so in the everlasting priesthood of Christ are suited graces for the several ages of His church, and the several wants of all His people.  

Precious Jesus! May my soul unceasingly look unto Thee, as my faithful, everlasting, and unchangeable High Priest! And do Thou, Lord, "send the rod of Thy strength out of Zion: rule Thou in the midst of Thine enemies!" Full sure I am, O Lord, that every thing in me, and from me, like the rods of the different tribes of Israel, will remain dry, and neither give forth bud nor blossom. To Thee, and the rod of Thy strength, therefore, will I look, that Thou mayest give life and grace to my poor soul, to bring forth fruit unto God, by grace here, and glory for ever. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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