Is not this The Christ?

"Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" -John 4:29 [KJV]

Those are sweet and blessed views of the Lord Jesus, which He Himself gives, when, by letting the poor sinner see himself, how wretched he is, and at the same time how glorious the Lord is, and how exactly suited to his wants and necessities, He makes the soul cry out, as this woman of Samaria did, "Is not this the Christ?" For who but Christ can read the heart, and tell all that passeth there? And as she found it, so all taught of Jesus find the same, that every true discovery of Christ must end in condemning ourselves, and exalting the Redeemer. My soul! there are numberless instructions to be gathered from this scripture, and the history connected with it.  

Sit down, this evening, in the coolness of the shade, and look at a few of them. The Lord the Holy Ghost will open them to thy meditation. Jesus, we are told, "must needs go through Samaria." Yes; there was this poor sinner to be convinced of sin, and to be brought acquainted with her Saviour. Hence the opportunity soon offered; and Jesus as soon accomplished the purpose of His going thither. The Lord opened her heart to her own view, and gave her to see the vileness within. He opened, at the same time, her heart to the knowledge of Himself, gave her to see His salvation; and the effects were as might have been expected: she hastened to the city, to tell other poor sinners, who also stood in need of a Saviour, that she had found "Him of whom Moses and the prophets did write." Come, said she "see a man, which told me all things that ever I did; is not this the Christ?"  

My soul! hast thou so learned Christ? Hast thou "met with the Lord God of the Hebrews," and learned from Him self-humbling thoughts, and a true conviction of sin? Hath He taught thee who He is, and what need thou hast of Him? Hast thou seen Him to be indeed the Christ of God; the man, whose name is Wonderful; who, in His divine nature, is "one with the Father over all, God blessed for ever;" and in His human nature, "the man, whose name is the Branch;" and by the union of both natures, the one glorious and true Messiah, "the LORD our righteousness?" And hath such a conviction of the infinite importance of knowing Christ been wrought thereby upon thy mind, that thou hast taken every method of recommending Him to others?  

Surely, my soul, no truly regenerated sinner, who hath known, and seen, and felt that the Lord is gracious, but must be anxious that others should know, and see, and feel it also. And, therefore, like this poor woman, thou wilt be taking every proper opportunity of calling upon all, as far as thy sphere of usefulness can extend, to come and enjoy the same blessings, which the Lord hath imparted to thee. Precious Lord! I would not only invite every poor needy sinner to come to Thee, but I would desire to accompany them. I would not say, "Go to Jesus," as if I needed Thee no more myself; but I would say, "Come to Him," let us go together, for "He will shew us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths." And Oh! that multitudes may come, and find to their soul's joy, as the Samaritans did, on the invitation of this poor woman, and be enabled to say, as they said, "Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard Him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world." 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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