Christ's Inexhaustible Fullness

"God is the LORD, which hath shewed us light." -Psalm 118:27 [KJV]

If God the Lord hath shewed us light, He hath shewed us light both with respect to Himself and with respect to ourselves. He hath shewed us with respect to Himself who He is; He hath stamped something of Himself upon our consciences; He hath discovered something of His glorious character to our souls; and brought us, under the operation of the Holy Spirit, into His presence, there to receive communications of life out of Christ's inexhaustible fulness. Thus in this light we see and feel that we have to do with a heart-searching God; in this light we see and feel that we have to do with a sin-hating God; with a God who will not be mocked nor trifled with. 

In this light we see and feel that every secret of our heart, every working of our mind is open before Him; and in this light, so far as He is pleased to manifest it, we see what we are in His holy and pure eyes—a mass of sin, filth, and corruption, without help, without strength, wisdom, or righteousness, without creature comeliness, without anything of which we can say that it is spiritually good.  

Again, God the Lord, shewing us light, hath shewed us more or less of the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. He has not only showed us what we are by nature, but He has in a measure condescended to shew us what we are by grace; not merely brought into our hearts some acquaintance with Himself as a God of perfect justice, but He has also brought, more or less, into our souls some acquaintance with Him as a God of mercy; and has thus brought us, in some solemn measure, to know Him, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He hath sent; and, thus, to have the springing up of spiritual life more or less, each according to his measure, in our souls. 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.) 


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