Visit me with Thy Salvation!

"O satisfy us early with Thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days." -Psalm 90:14 [KJV]

Many of the dear children of God are tossed up and down on a sea of great uncertainty, doubt and fear, because they have not had sensible manifestations of Christ to their soul. He has not come into them in the power of His love; still they often say, "When wilt Thou come unto me? O visit me with Thy salvation; speak a word to my soul; it is Thyself, and Thyself alone, I want to hear, to see, and to know!"  

Now these are drawings of the gracious Lord, the secret beginnings of His coming, the heralds of His approach, the dawning of the day before the morning star arises and the sun follows upon his track. But when the Lord does come in any sweet manifestation of His presence or of His power, then He will abide where He has come, for He never leaves or forsakes a soul which He has once visited. He may seem to do so; He may withdraw Himself; and then who can behold Him? But He never really leaves the temple which He has once adorned and sanctified with His presence. Christ is formed in the hearts of His people the hope of glory; their body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and Christ dwells in them by faith. Though we often mourn over His absence and do not feel His gracious presence as we would, still He is there, if He has once come. 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.) 


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