"I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: and it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; and I will give it Him." -Ezekiel 21:27 [KJV]

Are there not seasons in our experience when we can lay down our souls before God, and say, "Let Christ be precious to my soul, let Him come with power to my heart, let Him set up His throne as Lord and King, and let self be nothing before Him?" Well, we utter these prayers in sincerity and simplicity, we desire their fulfilment; but oh, the struggle! the conflict! when God answers these petitions. When our plans are frustrated, what a rebellion works up in the carnal mind! When self is cast down, what a rising up of the fretful, peevish impatience of the creature! When the Lord does answer our prayers, and strips off all false confidence; when He does remove our rotten props, and dash to pieces our broken cisterns, what a storm—what a conflict takes place in the soul!  

Angry with the Lord for doing the very work we have asked Him to do, rebelling against Him for being so kind as to answer those petitions that we have offered up, and ready to fume and fret against the very teaching for which we have supplicated Him. But He is not to be moved; He will take His own way. "'I will overturn,' let the creature say, let it think what it will. Down it shall go to ruin, it shall become a wreck, it shall be overthrown. 

My purpose shall be accomplished, and I will fulfil all my pleasure. But I will overturn, not to destroy, not to cast into eternal perdition, but I will overturn the whole building to erect a far more goodly edifice. Self is a rebel, who has set up an idolatrous temple, and I will overturn and bring the temple to ruin, for the purpose of manifesting My glory and My salvation, that I may be your Lord and your God." 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.) 


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