Rejoice in "The LORD our righteousness!"

"And this is the name, wherewith she shall be called, the LORD our righteousness." -Jeremiah 33:16 [KJV]

My soul! the subject of thy morning meditation would not be complete, if thy personal interest in it were not taken into the account; and therefore let thy mind be led forth, this evening, in sweet contemplation upon what the Holy Ghost hath said, in this scripture, by His same servant, the prophet, concerning the church of Jesus. If Jesus be called "the Lord our righteousness," and be, as He is well known to be, the husband of His people, surely His wife shall be called by her husband's name. She shall be called so because it is her husband's name; "the Lord our righteousness." And as He became sin for her, when He knew no sin; so she, when she knew no righteousness, shall, by virtue of her union and relationship with Him, be righteousness, even "the righteousness of God in Him," -II Corinthians 5: 21.  

Now, my soul, seeing that these things are certain, sure, and unquestionable, do thou follow up the transporting meditation in every way, and by every way, and by every consideration, in which the blessedness of it is confirmed and assured. Married to Jesus, thou hast an interest in all He hath as Mediator, as the glorious Head of His body, the church, "the fulness of Him that filleth all in all." And indeed, it is such an union and oneness, as nothing in nature can fully represent: "For he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit," -I Corinthians 6:17. It infinitely transcends the marriage union, which is only in natural things, and at death is dissolved; for this union is spiritual, and continues for ever. Hence Jesus saith, "I will betroth thee to Me for ever," -Hosea 2:19

Never lose sight of this high union, and the infinitely precious blessings to which, by virtue of it, thou art entitled: and while thou art called by His name, see that thou hast a conformity to His image. An union of grace should be manifested by an union of heart. What thy Jesus loves, thou shouldest love; and what he hates, do thou hate. Let His people be thy people; and His God and Father thine also. And from being one with Him in heart, in mind, in sympathy, and affection; receiving life from Him, living on Him, and being in Him; then will He be every thing to thee, of grace in this life, and of glory in that which is to come. Precious Lord, and husband of Thy people, be Thou made of God to me, and all Thy redeemed, "wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption that according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord!" -I Corinthians 1:30-31 [KJV]

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)   


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