The LORD JESUS is Coming Back: REJOICE

"He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe." -II Thessalonians 1:10 [KJV]

Among a thousand wonders that will be unfolded before the astonished world, at the great day of God, to call up the unceasing praises of the church of Christ to all eternity, there are two very blessed events which will take place, and which this scripture records; the one is, how Jesus will be glorified in His own sacred person, in the view of His redeemed, when all His beauties are then displayed; and the other is, how Jesus will be glorified in them, from the saving change which His grace hath wrought in them.  

Let thine evening meditation, my soul, be upon both. And first, think how Jesus, thy Jesus, will then appear. He hath indeed been always known to thee, since He was first revealed to thee by grace, as wonderful; and every act of His towards thee, hath fully answered to this name. For in all His perfections, offices, characters, and relations; in all things concerning and relating to Him, every view of Him is wonderful. But He that is now known by faith, will then become the object of sight; and think, my soul, what an object of sight will it be! Never, but in the person of Jesus, can there be any thing presented to the view of men, or of angels, of equal glory! God and man in one person, can only be found in Christ. And God dwelling in flesh, is only rendered capable by that union, and through that medium, of being seen. And think, if it be possible, how glorious, how unspeakably glorious, the human nature of Christ must be, and is, from its union with the Godhead: such as no excellency of angels can at all, even in the most distant degree, resemble.  

Pause over this contemplation; for such is thy Jesus! and such will He appear, when He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and admired in all that believe. When thou hast fully feasted thyself, (as far as thy poor unripe faculties can take in the blessedness of it,) by dwelling upon the contemplation of Jesus, as He is, and as He will then appear, in His own glorious person; go on, and consider that glory that shall be revealed of Jesus, in the saving change which He hath wrought in His people, whereby He will be admired in all them that believe.  

Oh! what a flood of glory will pour in upon the soul, and what endless praises will go forth to the great Author of the unspeakable mercy, when the vast volume comes to be opened and explained, of what Jesus hath wrought in them; what He hath communicated to them; what everlasting blessings He hath procured for them; and what glory, as their great Mediator He will have by them, through all the incalculable periods of the eternal world, in their living upon Him and to Him, and from Him deriving all the accessions of light and life, and glory and joy, for ever and ever!  

My soul! never, never lose sight of these blessed views: but add to that glorious account, that sweet testimony of Jesus, concerning this great day of God to His people: "At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you." - John 14:20. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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