The Everlasting Security of a child of God

"And they journeyed; and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob." -Genesis 35:5 [KJV]

It was the evening before the last, that my soul was led to the contemplation of what is the everlasting security of a child of God, amidst all the corruption, within and without, which he carries about him in a body of sin and death. It will form a very pleasing subject, to a similar effect, to trace also a believer's security from the world at large, in the natural enmity there is in every unawakened heart to a state of grace. And this precious scripture traces every child of God's safety to the same source. The family of Jacob, the praying seed of Jacob, are still journeying; for here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come. The people of God are but few in number; yea, very few: the scripture saith, "And they are strangers in the land," Psalm 105:12. 

The very profession of the cross will always make them strangers; and as men whose manners and pursuits differ from the world, like Joshua and his people, "they are men wondered at." How are they kept from being run down, oppressed, subdued, and overcome? This text answers: "the terror of God was upon the cities round about them." Pause, and consider the blessed subject, my soul, and never lose sight of it. He that toucheth thee, toucheth the apple of Jesus' eye. The reins of all government, both of men and kings, are in Christ's hand; nothing can take place but by His appointment.  

Oh! how blessed to live in the full persuasion of this most unquestionable truth. If a thorough sense of an interest in Jesus, and an union and oneness with Christ, were always uppermost in the heart, this filial fear in Jesus would drive out all creature fear, as the fire of the sun puts out the fire on the hearth. The prophet beautifully expresses this in one of his precepts to the church: "Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid; but sanctify the LORD of hosts Himself, and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread, and He shall be for a sanctuary," Isaiah 8:12-14. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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