Committing and Trusting the LORD

"Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." -Psalm 37:5 [KJV]

What shall God bring to pass? The thing that lies deepest in the heart—"thy way." Does not thy way lie deepest in thy soul— the path that God has led, the path that God is now leading you by? You may be troubled in your soul, doubting and fearing in your mind, distressed in your feelings; you may sink down to the lowest point that a child of God can sink to; yet that way, in which you are so deeply sunk, if the Lord enable you from time to time to commit it to Him, and trust in Him, He will bring to pass above what your heart desires. 

Look at the movements of your heart God-ward; look at your embarrassments, temptations, and exercises; look at that which rolls backwards and forwards in your mind, that which is tossed to and fro on the waves of your anxious bosom,—what lies nearest, dearest, and deepest,—let honest conscience speak. That, whatever it be, the Lord tells you, and sometimes enables you to commit, to trust to Him.  

Now whatever it be so committed and so trusted, the Lord has declared in His unerring word of truth, He "will bring it to pass;" He will fulfil it when His time has arrived. Does darkness envelope it? do mountains of difficulty stand up in the way of its fulfilment? Never mind; God will bring it to pass in the face of all, over mountains and through difficulties, in spite of, and in the midst of, all surrounding obstacles. He "will bring it to pass,"—that which lies deepest in your heart, nearest your affections, and that which you are enabled in the actings of living faith sometimes to commit into the hands of the Lord God Almighty. 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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