The Wednesday Word - More on The Blood, Part II


More on the Blood (Part 2)

by D.G. Miles McKee

In this short series on the blood of Jesus we have considered, so far, that the blood is precious, it brings us to God, and it has made atonement for our sins.  We continue by noticing that, 4) "Without Shedding of Blood there is no remission." (Hebrews 9:22). What could be plainer, or simpler? We may weep and pray over our sins from the beginning of the day to the end; we may try multitudes of religious exercises; we may become monks or nuns; we may get baptized and take communion, but it is all useless when it comes to canceling sin.Repentance, baptism, prayer, the Lord's Supper all have their place, but it stands permanently written in God's imperishable word that, “Without shedding of blood there is no remission.” Neither one, nor all these things combined, ever did, or will, put away a single sin. Remission of sins is full, free, and eternal, but wholly and solely through the precious blood of Jesus.Has the blood been shed for you?  5. The Blood is the Ground of our Justification.“Being now justified by His blood.” (Romans 5:9). God is for us; He is the justifier of all those who trust in Jesus. (Romans 3:26). The ground of Justification is that the man Christ Jesus died in our place. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8).We are justified by His blood and are and will be saved from wrath through Him.   We are acquitted on the ground of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus. Because of Calvary, we are reckoned as being righteous.  We are reckoned, in God’s eyes, not only as being those who have never sinned but also those who are righteous in His sight.Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle and the good news is that, by grace, He has covered our spots and wrinkles with His blood. In His love and mercy, He took our spots and wrinkles at the cross and made them His own. Justification is God’s own work.  It is the declaration that we are viewed as both sinless and righteous.  It is an irreversible verdict.  Every charge that could have been made against us has been made and every possible allegation has been answered by the bloodThis not-guilty verdict (justification) is received by faith alone and because of it, the believer in Jesus has been cleared by God Himself.  “It is God that justifies; who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yea rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, Who also maketh intercession for us.” (Romans 8:33-34). 6. The Blood Cleanses from All Sin.Water cleanses from dirt but it gets dirty in the process.  The blood of Christ, on the other hand, has cleansed all manner of filth and sin but has remained pure and untainted.  Such is the infinite and effective cleansing power of the blood that the believer is now seen, in God’s eyes, as being whiter than the snow.“Whiter than the snow, the beautiful snow,Whiter than the snow He has made me;Whiter than the snow, the beautiful snow,Whiter than the snow He has made me.” The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.  Every sin of which we have been guilty and every sin of which we will be guilty is cleansed forever. Not a spot, stain, or speck remains. We are once and forever perfectly cleansed before God.We do not need to be cleansed a second time or have a second work of grace by which we will be made fully accepted before God. The cleansing blood of Christ has eternally canceled our entire debt. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin (see 1 John 1:9). And that’s the Gospel Truth!

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